The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Public Lecture Series about Architecture & Design by various speakers around the world.
財經新聞中有不少有趣問題: -消費物價指數上升代表甚麼? -存款保險是否必須? -媒體常常提到的GDP是甚麼?GDP常有波動,代表甚麼? -失業率如何定義?以此評估經濟狀況又有多可靠呢? -股票市場大瀉,公眾因股災變得悲觀,預期經濟繼續下滑。如何影響經濟? -資訊科技不斷進步,如何影響經濟? -甚麼是香港銀行同業拆息? -滬、港之間,誰有較大優勢成為國際金融中心?你認為後者會在短期內趕上前者嗎? -恒生指數和本地經濟有甚麼關係? -中美兩國經濟二者是否大致同步?是否正在分道揚鑣? -高通脹率如何影響樓市表現? -最低工資法對非技術員工的失業率和收入會有影響嗎?...
The sixth Radio/ TV series of "Talking to CEOs" was broadcast on RTHK Radio One, i-Cable Live News Channel, now Business News Channel and now Direct Channel between May and July 2009.
The Distinguished Visiting Scholar Scheme, sponsored by the United College Endowment Fund, was established in 1981. The programme invites internationally renowned scholars to visit the College every year, in order to promote cultural and academic exchanges between the scholar and the College...
財經新聞中有不少有趣問題: -消費物價指數上升代表甚麼? -存款保險是否必須? -媒體常常提到的GDP是甚麼?GDP常有波動,代表甚麼? -失業率如何定義?以此評估經濟狀況又有多可靠呢? -股票市場大瀉,公眾因股災變得悲觀,預期經濟繼續下滑。如何影響經濟? -資訊科技不斷進步,如何影響經濟? -甚麼是香港銀行同業拆息? -滬、港之間,誰有較大優勢成為國際金融中心?你認為後者會在短期內趕上前者嗎? -恒生指數和本地經濟有甚麼關係? -中美兩國經濟二者是否大致同步?是否正在分道揚鑣? -高通脹率如何影響樓市表現? -最低工資法對非技術員工的失業率和收入會有影響嗎?...
生活中有不少有趣問題: - 你通常儲蓄多少,又如何運用有限的零用錢? - 咖哩魚蛋與茶餐廳的沙嗲牛肉通粉,哪種物品的生產商對市價變化的反應較高? - 肥美海鮮會否有消失的一天? - 你是否願意付出費用在尖東海旁欣賞煙花? - 為甚麼手機並非隨著銷售量上升而漲價,反而一再跌價? - 網上書店如何影響傳統書店的銷量和售價? - 膠袋稅的理由何在?政府何不乾脆禁用膠袋? - 爲什麽政府要提供持續進修基金?難道不能讓市場自由運作嗎? - 為甚麼香港會捨農業和製造業而取貿易和金融? - 香港是否有貧富不均問題? - 為甚麼會出現收入分配不均的問題? - 應否和競爭對手商討合作? -...
生活中有不少有趣問題: - 你通常儲蓄多少,又如何運用有限的零用錢? - 咖哩魚蛋與茶餐廳的沙嗲牛肉通粉,哪種物品的生產商對市價變化的反應較高? - 肥美海鮮會否有消失的一天? - 你是否願意付出費用在尖東海旁欣賞煙花? - 為甚麼手機並非隨著銷售量上升而漲價,反而一再跌價? - 網上書店如何影響傳統書店的銷量和售價? - 膠袋稅的理由何在?政府何不乾脆禁用膠袋? - 爲什麽政府要提供持續進修基金?難道不能讓市場自由運作嗎? - 為甚麼香港會捨農業和製造業而取貿易和金融? - 香港是否有貧富不均問題? - 為甚麼會出現收入分配不均的問題? - 應否和競爭對手商討合作? -...
Radio series hosted by Prof. Andrew Chan, Director of the EMBA Programme, and Prof. Leo Sin of the Department of Marketing. Latest episodes are available at RTHK Podcast Station
「自學」是什麼?「自學中心」就是資源中心嗎? 「自學」當然不是踢開老師同學自己學習。「自學」最核心的概念是「自主」:同學了解自己的學習興趣及需要,掌握學習技巧,主動探尋學問,不為課程、考試所囿,最終成為學習的主人。為協助同學達成自主學習的目標,「自學中心」不但有資源,有老師,更提供輔導和定期舉辦工作坊。 這裡,我們會跟大家探討各種有趣的語文現象,思考日常語用與規範語言之間的差異。
An introduction of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
This series of discussions will focus on the role of the pharmacist in direct and indirect patient care. From bench side research of discovering new ways old drugs work to bedside and community practice where pharmacists ensure that the right patient gets the right drug at the right time. The...
These podcasts were prepared by Prof. Michael Lower for his teaching of the course SLW9602 - Principles of Land Law at CUHK in 2009 . It is a series of short talks giving listeners an understanding of the principal features of Hong Kong's system of land law. Although they are principally...
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is honoured to welcome Prof. and Mrs. Charles K. Kao to the campus on 5 February as guests of honour at the opening ceremony of the CUHK exhibition 'The Lore of a Laureate: A Tribute to Charles Kao, Former CUHK Vice-Chancellor and Nobel Laureate'. These...
This is a series of six podcasts (plus an introduction) of around 10 - 15 minutes on themes related to Property Law. The presenters are Steven Gallagher and Michael Lower from the Faculty of Law, CUHK.
Radio series hosted by Prof. Andrew Chan, Director of the EMBA Programme, and Prof. Leo Sin of the Department of Marketing (2011 1st Quarter). Latest episodes are available at RTHK Podcast Station
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is honoured to welcome Prof. and Mrs. Charles K. Kao to the campus on 5 February as guests of honour at the opening ceremony of the CUHK exhibition 'The Lore of a Laureate: A Tribute to Charles Kao, Former CUHK Vice-Chancellor and Nobel Laureate'. These...
The CU Tree Project and Green Education Group bring you an interesting series of podcasts with photos of Trees on Campus, Trees in Figures, and Bamboos as a symbol of Chinese culture.
Radio series hosted by Prof. Andrew Chan, Director of the EMBA Programme, and Prof. Leo Sin of the Department of Marketing (2011 2nd Quarter). Latest episodes are available at RTHK Podcast Station
A collection of memorable moments of CUHK.
This series of discussions will focus on the role of the pharmacist in direct and indirect patient care. From bench side research of discovering new ways old drugs work to bedside and community practice where pharmacists ensure that the right patient gets the right drug at the right time. The...
The CU Tree Project and Green Education Group bring you an interesting series of podcasts with photos of Trees on Campus, Trees in Figures, and Bamboos as a symbol of Chinese culture.