Podcast hosting services
Podcasts published in the last 6 months with >= 10 episodes
Source: Chartable.com – Podcast Analytics
August 18, 2018
1. anchor.fm 11.7%
2. feeds.soundcloud.com 9.7%
3. libsyn.com 8.0%
4. podbean.com 6.9%
5. blubrry.com 6.3%
6. wordpress.com 2.9%
7. spreaker.com 2.8%
8. radiofrance-podcast.net 2.8%
9. feeds.buzzsprout.com 2.1%
10. loyalbooks.com 2.0%
11. omnycontent.com 1.7%
12. squarespace.com 1.5%
13. sermonaudio.com 1.5%
14. podomatic.com 1.5%
15. ivoox.com 1.3%
16. audioboom.com 0.8%
17. rss.simplecast.com 0.7%
18. pippa.io 0.6%
19. Other 35.2%