“These are some of the best insights from the history of architecture and design, situated in historical development and explained conceptually with great anecdotes and examples. Listen and enjoy the way in enhances your perception of literature and the designs in the world around you.
Feedback: I do not enjoy when primary texts switch from both sides of the headphones to just the right side. Often I listen to podcasts with just one earbud in, and it's a gamble whether I will miss these segments entirely. My advice would be to either start introducing excerpts of primary texts with the standard "quote,..." or research how other podcasts do this. You may be able to change the "levels" on the audio that is excerpts from texts so that it sounds differentiated, as I'm sure was the original intent. But please make the whole program play in both L and R figurations :)”
K. Glen via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·