While we await more information concerning the response to the wildfires across Canada, ADRA Canada wants to share some stories from the community service work that has been going on in Alberta. Problems of homelessness, substance abuse, food insecurity, and hunger have haunted many communities in that province, and ADRA's projects have been at work among the people to make a real, tangible difference.
Hear the inspiring stories of the Red Deer Soup Kitchen, and the ADRA Delivers program, and be inspired to see similar programs reproduced in your own community.
Follow ADRA Canada on all of our social media to stay up to date about all of our projects relating to indigenous communities!
It has been over a year since the earthquake that hit Syria and Türkiye in 2023. We have mentioned it before on this podcast, but for the ADRA team in Syria, the reality of the aftermath has never gone away.
After a bit of a break, ADRA Insider is back to share more stories from our work in...
Published 06/20/24
Max reviews the crises emerging around the beginning of 2024 in Tanzania, Madagascar, Japan, and Lebanon.
Published 01/31/24