Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey (http://www.DrBrickey.com/), host of Ageless Lifestyles,® interviews Alex Doman, co-author of Healing at the Speed of Sound (http://www.healingatthespeedofsound.com)and Founder of Advanced Brain Technologies (http://www.AdvancedBrain.com). He explains how to choose music and sounds that help you achieve the emotional states and performance you want, and enhance your cognitive functioning.
Published 08/13/12
Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey (http://www.DrBrickey.com/), host of Ageless Lifestyles (http://www.AgelessLifestyles.com),® interviews orthopedist Dr. Brett Ryan Fink (http://www.WholeFoot.com), author of The Whole Foot Book: A Complete Program for Taking Care of Your Feet. Dr. Fink explains how most chronic foot problems don’t require surgery and gives practical advice on helping your feet.
Published 02/13/12
Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey (http://www.DrBrickey.com), host of Ageless Lifestyles,® (http://www.AgelessLifestyles.com)interviews Rod Brouhard (http://www.RodBrouhard.com), author of Life’s Little Emergencies: A Handbook for Active Independent Seniors and Caregivers. The focus is on the logistics of using 911, EMS services, and health emergencies.
Published 01/23/12
Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey (http://www.drbrickey.com), host of Ageless Lifestyles (http://www.agelesslifestyles.com), interviews Certified Financial Planner Mark Singer (http://www.yourretirementjourney.com)on Retirement Financial Planning and Pitfalls. Mr. Singer explains how to cope with the current eleven-year flat market, and how to avoid common investment mistakes.
Published 10/24/11
Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey (http://www.DrBrickey.com/), host of Ageless Lifestyles (http://www.AgelessLifestyles.com),® interviews Jeff Opdyke, a Wall St. Journal financial columnist and author of Protecting Your Parents’ Money: The Essential Guide to Helping Mom and Dad Navigate the Finances of Retirement. Learn how to talk with your parents about their finances and how to help them.
Published 09/12/11
Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey (http://www.DrBrickey.com/), host of Ageless Lifestyles® (http://www.AgelessLifestyles.com) interviews Dr. Barry Lycka (http://www.BarryLyckaMD.com). a practicing cosmetic dermatologist and author of Skin Works. Dr. Lycka, an international leader in cosmetic surgery and treatments, shares advice and the latest developments in cosmetic therapies.
Published 07/25/11
Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey (http://www.DrBrickey.com/), host of Ageless Lifestyles (http://www.AgelessLifestyles.com)® interviews Dr. Leslie Martin, coauthor of The Longevity Project (http://www.HowardSFriedman.com). Following up on the children Lewis Terman started studying in the 1920s, The Longevity Project is probably the most comprehensive longitudinal study ever conducted on psychology, health, and longevity. The often surprising results yield practical advice
Published 06/27/11
Anti-Aging Psychologist (http://www.DrBrickey.com/)Dr. Michael Brickey, host of Ageless Lifestyles® (http://www.AgelessLifestyles.com) interviews pediatric brain surgeon Dr. Larry McCleary, author of Feed Your Brain Lose Your Belly (http://www.drmccleary.com/feed-your-brain-lose-your-belly/). Dr. McCleary explains how to keep blood sugars at healthy levels and foster optimal brain functioning, optimal energy levels, and weight loss.
Published 05/16/11
Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey (http://www.DrBrickey.com/), host of Ageless Lifestyles (http://www.AgelessLifestyles.com)® interviews internist and medical risk expert, Dr. H Gilbert Welch (http://www.vaoutcomes.org/welch.php), the principle author of Over-Diagnosed: Making People Sick in the Pursuit of Health. Dr. Welch explains how early diagnosis and changing the criteria for diseases often result in overtreatment and more harm than good.
Published 04/18/11
Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey (http://www.DrBrickey.com/), host of Ageless Lifestyles® (Ageless Lifestyles®) interviews Dr. Marc Agronin (http://www.MarcAgronin.com), author of How We Age: A Doctor’s Journey into the Heart of Growing Old. Dr. Agronin discusses stage theories of how we age and shares his rich clinical experience in helping seniors and nursing home residents live fulfilling lives.
Published 02/28/11
Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey (http://www.DrBrickey.com/ ), host of Ageless Lifestyles (http://www.AgelessLifestyles.com )® interviews Dr. Michael Fossel (http://www.www.MichaelFossel.com ), author of The Immortality Edge. Research indicates that the telomeres on the end of our chromosomes limit how many times most cells can divide. This in turn appears to limit human lifespans to about 120 years. Dr. Fossel and other telomere researchers, however, are finding ways to enhance...
Published 01/17/11
This is a special edition of Ageless Lifestyles (http://www.AgelessLifestyles.com )® Rather than an interview with an anti-aging expert, I share an eight minute commencement address I gave for Fortis College (http://www.fortis.edu/ ), a private college for nurses and healthcare workers. What advice would you give to future nurses? Where is what I said:
Published 12/20/10
Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey (http://www.DrBrickey.com/ ), host of Ageless Lifestyles®, (http://www.AgelessLifestyles.com )interviews Dr. Terry Grossman founder of the Grossman Wellness Center (http://www.GrossmanWellness.com). Dr. Grossman and invento/futurist Ray Kurzweil recently co-authored, Transcend: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever. Dr. Grossman gives practical advice and a preview of the future. Dr. Grossman predicts that within 20 years, medical advances will add...
Published 12/06/10
Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey (http://www.DrBrickey.com/ ), host of Ageless Lifestyles (Ageless Lifestyles)® interviews Susan Yager, author of The 100 Year Diet (http://www.TheHundredYearDiet.com )
“New” diet ideas keep resurfacing like moles in an arcade Whack-a-Mole. Many are retreads of old diets and many are very unhealthy. Knowing the history and context of this insanity gives perspective and helps you be wiser in making sense of diet and weight loss advice.
Published 11/22/10
Guests: Dr. Sergey Dzugan (http://www.Dzugan.com )and Dr. George Rozakis
Anti-aging medicine often has focused on time and symptoms instead the root causes of many diseases. The authors of Your Blood Doesn’t Lie (http://www.yourblooddoesntlie.com ), explain how when hormones are rebalanced to youthful levels, many health problems resolve themselves and cholesterol levels often return to normative levels. They give examples of how Restoration therapy helps with cardiovascular disease,...
Published 11/08/10
The principal author of Sex & Love at Midlife: It’s Better Than Ever (http://www.amazon.com/Sex-Love-Midlife-Better-Than/dp/0982357397/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1287935693&sr=8-1 )drew upon decades of clinical experience as a sex therapist and on interviews with 145 men and women ages 45 to 87. For some, sex gradually worsened with age, but for many, sex got better than ever. Sexologist Dr. Bernie Zilbergeld (http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2372/is_4_39/ai_96621276)died...
Published 10/25/10
In an exception to the usual format, I present an unconventional view of dealing with cardiovascular disease.
Published 10/11/10
With an unshakable belief that we are meant to get better with age, Dr. Helen Harkness teaches people how to capitalize on chaos and reinvent their careers. Her starting point is getting rid of ageist myths and doing a soul searching self-assessment.
Published 09/27/10
Flirting is like salt and pepper. Just a dash makes dinner so much more enjoyable. But if you try to flirt at 50, 60, or 70 the way you did at 20 or 30, you’ll look foolish and ridiculous. Barbara Bellman, author of Flirting After Fifty, uses her marketing and branding skills to help women and men can flirt at every age.
Published 09/13/10
Dr. Ryan Niemac looks at movies from the perspective of positive psychology to see how that lens can help us live longer, healthier, happier lives. This is an encore show.
Published 08/30/10
Licensed Massage Therapist Gini Maddocks taught herself how to overcome polio. Her easy, sweatless exercises can help you relieve aches and pains—and better yet avoid getting them. This is an encore show.
Published 08/16/10
Amy Gorman studied centenarian artists and documented their accomplishments in book and film. She shares what she learned from them and how art can help us age better. This is an encore show.
Published 08/02/10
NPR foreign correspondent Eric Weiner went in search of the happiest country in the world. His findings will probably surprise you and give you some ideas about how to seek happiness in your own life.
Published 07/19/10