In this episode of Adventures in Angular the panel interviews Dave Cooper, who recently gave a talk at AngularConnect about using Mock Data. Dave starts by explaining more about his talk and sharing the benefits of using data mocking solutions and rapid prototyping. He shares the secrets of doing rapid prototyping.    There are challenges to using mock data, Dave shares a few of them and explains how to overcome them. The number one challenge of using mock data is keeping it in sync with your...
Published 10/03/24
Published 10/03/24
Freddy Montes joins the adventure to discuss how he and his team manage state in their Angular components. Many development teams instinctively reach for a solution like ngrx when they're building their angular apps and start seeing complex state. However, there's a lot of boilerplate and it's often overkill for small to medium apps. Freddy talks about his journey into managing state for his components using observables and basic state libraries. Links How to manage component state in...
Published 09/26/24
Have you ever thought how nice it'd be to write your apps for desktop and mobile alongside the web? Richard Sithole joins the adventure to discuss how to pull a desktop app and mobile app into your repo using electron and capacitor to extend the functionality to new platforms. It turns out that a single repo cross-platform app isn't a total pipe dream. Links Twitter: Richard Sithole ( @sliqric ) Picks Charles- RelationshipsCharles- monday.comCharles- LinkedInCharles- Hunter.ioCharles- Dev...
Published 09/12/24
Dive deep into the latest trends and challenges in the development world. Lucas, Armen, and Subrat Mishra are joined by a special guest,  Rakia Ben Sassi, a Google Developer Expert in Angular.  In this episode, they explore the complexities and potential benefits of adopting Zoneless Angular and discuss the critical updates in Angular 18, including improved composability for micro frontends and interoperability with other frameworks. They also cover the technical barriers and performance...
Published 09/05/24
Special guest, Vitalii Bobrov joins us to talk about accessibility on the web and how to relate it to user experience in general. What can we do to improve accessibility? How can we improve accessibility? Why should we even care about accessibility? Find the answers to these questions and much more on this very insightful episode of Adventures in Angular. Links https://material.angular.io/cdk/a11y/overviewAxe Accessibility Testing Picks Alyssa  - CodeItLiveVitalii - JS RocksEddie - Swift...
Published 08/29/24
Alex Eagle is a Software Engineer on the core Angular team at Google. Alex and the panel talk about Bazel, a a free software tool that allows for the automation of building and testing of software. Links Alex’s GitHubAlex’s TwitterAlex’s LinkedInBazelAngular and BazelJoin BazelBuild on Slack! Picks Aaron - Axe ThrowingJennifer - Drama on the The Bachelor ( TV series)Joe - FIFA Women's World Cup France 2019Joe - Playing Dungeons & Dragons with Aaron FrostAlex - Firefly (TV Series...
Published 08/22/24
Raul Jimenez, the CEO of Byte Default, answers the panels many questions on functional programming with NgRx. In this playful interview, Raul defines functional programming and what it is trying to solve. The panel discusses side effects using a Spiderman analogy. Raul shares the benefits of switching to and when to use NgRx. The importance of knowing RxJS in using NgRx is considered by the panel. The episode ends with an in-depth discussion on some the specifics of using NgRx for functional...
Published 08/08/24
In this episode of Adventures in Angular the panel interviews Tara Manicsic. Tara is an Angular Developer Experience Engineer at Netlify. Tara explains what she does at Netlify. She explains what Netlify is and introduces the topic for today’s episode, JAMstack. She explains what services Netlify offers and the packages they offer.    She explains that the JAM in JAMstack stands for JavaScript API Markup, which outlines the best practices of a JAMstack architecture. During her explanation of...
Published 08/01/24
In this episode of Adventures in Angular the panel interviews Zama Khan Mohammed about his recent book and other open source work he has done in the Angular community. Zama explains what is so different about his book and why it is worth reading. His book takes an approach different than the common practice of walking readers through concepts, instead, his book walks readers through using a project perspective.    The first chapter walks through setting up Angular, installing Angular CLI and...
Published 07/18/24
In today's episode, They dive deep into the fascinating world of WebAssembly and Rust with our special guest expert, Evgeniy Tuboltsev. WebAssembly, a powerful binary format, allows code to run at near-native speeds in the browser, making it ideal for high-performance tasks like video processing, gaming, and cryptography. Rust, a compiled language, seamlessly integrates with WebAssembly, elevating front-end capabilities to new heights. They explore how you can leverage these technologies in...
Published 07/11/24
 In this episode, they dive deep into the world of Angular application testing with our special guest, Matt, the author of the Angular Mini Book and creator of the ng demo repository. They explore the essentials of unit tests, service tests, and end-to-end tests using Cypress, and discuss the intricacies of building a robust testing infrastructure with tools like Jasmine, Jest, and Storybook. Join the hosts as they unpack the challenges and best practices in testing Angular components, using...
Published 07/04/24
In this episode of Adventures in Angular, Sani Yusuf stops by for an adventure and chats with Alyssa, Brooks & Chris about building component libraries in Nx and how he feels forms are one of Angular’s most powerful and perhaps underrated features. Links https://zippopotam.us/ Picks Sani - Operator Decision TreeAlyssa - RxJS in Angular: Reactive DevelopmentBrooks - Crocs with socksChris - skipWhileChris - Star Wars: The Clone Wars Become a supporter of this podcast:...
Published 06/30/24
Catalin Ciubotaru joins the show today to share his industry insights and the advantages and disadvantages of using Angular in a startup.   In this episode… Main advantages of AngularMoving quickly with AngularDeveloper experience and templatesDisadvantages of using AngularHiring with a startup mentalityStartups definedMicro front ends and monolithic apps Links Catalin CodesCatalin Ciubotaru - MediumTwitter: @c5n_c8u Picks Catalin- The X-Files (TV Series 1993-2018) - IMDbCatalin- CSS for...
Published 06/06/24
In this episode, Brooks, Alyssa and Chris talk with Aliaksei Kuncevič about Progressive State Management with NGXS. Aliaksei walks the crew through this progressive journey by starting small and implementing reactive services. These are services with a behavior subject. Aliaksei then demonstrates how you can migrate from reactive services to using NGXS. Links Aliaksei’s...
Published 05/30/24
In this episode of Adventures in Angular Tomas Trajan, an angular elements expert, breaks down how to use angular elements for the panel. Tomas explains that angular elements are great for very specific use cases.    Tomas starts by describing a scenario with a large enterprise with tens of developer teams and hundreds of developers, they have a few choices on how to organize their applications. The first option is a messy monolith. The second option is using monorepos and Nx. The final...
Published 05/23/24
Mrina Sugosh is a Keynote Speaker, Advisory Board Member and Technical Storyteller. They delve into the world of web development and all things tech. In today's episode, they have an insightful discussion about the technical complexities of exporting invoices to PDF, the challenges of converting HTML rich text to PDF or Word documents while preserving formatting, and the importance of maintaining compatibility with front-end frameworks like Angular, React, or Vue. They explore the release...
Published 05/02/24
Santosh Yadav is a Google Developer Expert for Angular. They delve into the intricacies of contributing to the Angular ecosystem and demystify the challenges associated with open-source projects. They discuss the importance of long-term commitment to open-source contributions, share insights on committing to documentation, and emphasize the significance of understanding Angular's commit structure. The episode also touches upon the upcoming virtual conference, TIL Conf, and provides valuable...
Published 04/25/24
Michael Prentice is the owner of DevIntent and an AngularJS Material Lead Maintainer at Rangle.io. Sponsors Chuck's Resume TemplateDeveloper Book Club Become a Top 1% Dev with a Top End Devs Membership Links Michael’s GitHubMichael’s TwitterMichael’s LinkedIn Picks Aaron - rxjs.liveBrian  - Stephen Fluin - YouTubeBrian  - The Umbrella AcademyJoe  - https://www.cypress.io/Michael - Angular HispanoMichael - NG Bolivia 2019Michael - NG Honduras 2019Michael - ngSpainMichael - Frontend...
Published 04/18/24
Craig Spence was a developer at Trade Me in New Zealand before he moved to Sweden to join Spotify. Trade Me is New Zealand's biggest website and it is similar to eBay where people buy and sell lots of different items. Craig talks about his experiences migrating Trade Me from AngularJS to Angular and the challenges they faced. One of the tips Craig has for the audience is when faced with a problem it is better to ask for help from those who have been in similar situations before, rather that...
Published 04/11/24
In this week’s episode of Adventures in Angular the panel interviews Shlomi Assaf, talking about ngrid. After some playful banter about the naming of Ngrid, Shlomi shares the reasons behind building ngrid. The company he was working for at the time need a grid, he tested nggrid but wanted something completely opensource, so he built one. He also explains that nggrid caused some problems in their project which made him want something more customizable.   Shlomi explains how much work is needed...
Published 04/04/24
Alan Agius is a  Software Engineer at Google. Lucas and Alan dive into the world of Angular development with a focus on internationalization and library management. They unpack the latest features of Angular 17.3, including improvements to Angular CLI, and shed light on the upcoming developments in version 18. They explore the nuances of runtime and build time translations, share insights on integrating NX with Angular projects, and discuss the use of Bazel for building frontend and backends...
Published 03/28/24
Konstantin Dinaev is the director of product development and a major contributor to Ignite UI. They explore the differences between Ignite UI and Material UI, focusing on Ignite UI's suitability for data-heavy applications and diverse, complex components. From its open-source nature to its dual licensing model for commercial usage, they explore the key features and extensive range of components available in the Ignite UI library. Tune in as they delve into accessibility, internationalization,...
Published 03/22/24
Dean Radcliffe is a senior software engineer at Optum. Armen and Lucas take a deep dive into the intricacies of reactivity and RxJS. Our special guest, Dean, introduces us to the RxFX library and its potential to simplify observable and effect handling. Join them as they explore the complexities of managing loading states and effects in app development, and gain insight into the challenges of concurrency and cancellation. Sponsors Chuck's Resume TemplateDeveloper Book Club Become a Top 1% Dev...
Published 02/22/24
In this episode of Adventures in Angular, Charles does a solo episode talking about entrepreneurship and the topic/course on “How to Get a Job.” This is an informative episode for those looking for a job as a developer and how to prepare your resume for your career search. Charles covers the core pieces of the course and specific areas of tailoring your credentials for the job you want to acquire.SponsorsChuck's Resume Template Raygun - Application Monitoring For Web & Mobile AppsBecome a...
Published 02/08/24