In this episode,  1. What are anti-depressants? 2. How do anti-depressants work? 3. What are the important brain chemicals responsible for mood & behavior? 4. What are the major side effects of anti-depressants? 5. Why should we avoid anti-depressants?
Published 03/15/22
Published 03/15/22
In this episode I discuss the definition of depression and anxiety disorders.  I also describe the 6Ds of Depression in Men. The 6Ds are responsible for stagnation, rust and eventually depression in men. The 6Ds of Depression in Men: - Diseases - Diets - Dopamine, Drugs & Alcohol - Debts - Deviation - Death
Published 03/15/22
In this second part of  Semen Retention, I discuss the benefits of Semen Retention. I also share a simple approach in mastering this technique of semen retention.
Published 11/19/21
Semen retention is the act of avoiding ejaculation either by abstaining from sex for a specified period of time or embracing dry orgasm during sex. In this episode, I discuss: 1. Ejaculation 2. Definition of semen retention 3. Semen and sperm production 4. Key micronutrients for quality sperm production PS: Read about the causes of scrotal or testicular pain on my blog here: https://www.amerix.co.ke/post/painful-balls-why-you-shouldn-t-ignore-pain-or-swellings-in-your-s*****m
Published 11/05/21
In this episode, I talk about the simple steps a man can approach to bounce back from a heartbreak.  I describe these steps as ABCD. These steps will buffer a man and make him immune to future  rejection from women. 1.  Abolish her existence 2. Build your consciousness 3. Create your value 4. Develop your masculine essence
Published 09/23/21
Every week I promote a 48 hour challenge known as #AutophagyMarathon. In this episode, I discuss AUTOPHAGY.  By the end of the episode, I expect you to learn,  The definition of autophagy. How the autophagy machinery works.The health benefits of autophagy.The timing of the autophagy process.
Published 05/07/21
In this episode, I talk about fatherlessness: 1. The definition of fatherlessness. 2. The causes of fatherlessness. 3. The problems faced by a fatherless family. 4. The consequences of fatherlessness in our society. 5.  The recreation of a fatherless man.
Published 04/27/21
Testosterone is the primary male hormone responsible for regulating sex differentiation, producing male sex characteristics, spermatogenesis, and fertility.In this episode I introduce you to testosterone. This episode discusses:1. Definition of...
Published 03/26/21
Fasting is as ancient as man. Ancient physicians prescribed fasting to patients and results of positive recuperation were notable.In this episode, learn about fasting.- Definition.- History.- Why we should fast.- What happens in your body during...
Published 03/17/21
 In this episode, I talk about the  'nice guy', how to spot a 'nice guy', the consequences of being this pussified man and how to get out of this pussification. 
Published 03/04/21
Don't let the force of an impression when it first hits you to knock you off your feet. Just say to it, "hold on a moment, let me see who you are and what you represent. Let me put you to test."- Epictetus.
Published 02/21/21
If you are a lonely man maybe who has been fired from his job, or dumped by his woman or abandoned by the world, listen to this podcast. In our moment of loneliness, we tend to blame others for the mistakes and failures that sunk us into the rock-bottom...
Published 02/15/21
Every moment waited is a moment wasted, and each wasted moment degrades the clarity of your purpose. - David Deida.Welcome to the first episode of amerixpod.com.
Published 02/07/21