Reflections on how the pandemics, George Floyd's murder, and 10,000 years of history are culminating in the current time of rapid transition.
Published 07/31/20
I reflect on the state of the world, the murder of George Floyd, complex systems, indigenous worldviews, spirituality, and dinosaurs! two of the indigenous scholars I mention are Leroy Little Bear and Gregory Cajete. A good introduction to Leroy's work is available at. https://youtu.be/gJSJ28eEUjI . Gregory Cajete Wrote a book titled "Native Science" which you can find easily online and here is a good introduction to his work – https://youtu.be/nFeNIOgIbzw. You can get Equinox recordings on...
Published 05/30/20
Reflections on the response to the coronavirus pandemic. You can find a text to the talk I gave at the Unitarian Fellowship and at https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://ww1.buf.org/wp-content/uploads/sermons/2017-08-13-Transforming-the-Dark-Night-of-the-Globe-Ted-Wms.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjk-uOqsa_oAhUDqJ4KHVrzCfoQFjABegQIBhAB&usg=AOvVaw3uvdW09SSl5ip92exWunHq
Published 03/23/20
Published 03/23/20
Reflections on the chaotic changes during the last week weaving together complex systems and some ideas about coronavirus, politics, and the future. Here's the Wikipedia link to Alan Lichtman's keys to the White House . .https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Keys_to_the_White_House?wprov=sfla1 . Rachel Bitercofer has lots of recent interviews and articles about her political analysis . Here's a recent one https://youtu.be/jqvM8-z7THs
Published 03/10/20
In the second episode I explore the meaning of "an island of vision."
Published 02/15/20
In this first episode of An Island of Vision I explore current politics, complex systems, and some of my experiences work with Indigenous peoples. The artwork used for this podcast was painted by Carrie Koehnline. You can purchase downloads of the music heard on this podcast and other music by Karen Ftzgerald by going to http://www.karenfitzgerald.com
Published 02/13/20