Welcome to Anchored by Truth brought to you by Crystal Sea Books. Today on Anchored by Truth we’re going to begin a new series that takes a look at the really big story that the Bible tells, a story that stretches from Genesis to Revelation. So we want to start looking at some of the key scriptures that are present in different books of the Bible that help illustrate that the Bible really is one single story of our magnificent God unfolding His plan of redemption. I’m here today with RD Fierro, author and founder of Crystal Sea Books and part time historian. He checks the record to see whose turn it is to make coffee. But today the coffee is already made and much of it has been consumed. RD, how about telling us what this series is going to be about?
RD: Certainly. As many of our Anchored by Truth listeners know we like to cite four lines of evidence that help to demonstrate that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God: remarkable unity, reliable history, fulfilled prophecy, and improved and rewarding destinies. So, today we want to start a series that helps illustrate the remarkable unity of the Bible. We’ll do that by focusing on 15 scriptures that will take us from Genesis to Revelation. These scriptures will show that the Bible never veers from its central focus on a person, a process, and a people. The person is Jesus. The process was God’s process of redeeming a group of fallen people who would someday reside with Him for all eternity in heaven. The people is the company of believers who trust exclusively in God to provide a Savior who would save them from their sins. Some of those believers lived under the Old Covenant but the majority of them have lived under the New Covenant. But together they comprise God’s church and are so dear to His heart that the Bible refers to them collectively as the Bride of Christ. Sometimes, people who haven’t spent much time with the Bible see the Bible as a sort of random collection of books that have widely varying purposes, details, and stories. But when you begin to see the common theme that weaves through all those books you begin to see the beautiful forest that is comprised of the individual trees.
This is episode 279.
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