Kyoto and Keio students will present their final result of theirfield works followed by the discussion.
Published 01/15/12
We invite a guest speaker Prof. Yunita Winarto. from Departmentof Anthropology , University of Indonesia.
Published 12/25/11
We invite a guest speaker from National University of Laos. Prof.Phouphet is going to talk about the trade liberalization in Laos,which is also a very hot topic in Japan.
Published 12/18/11
We invite a guest speaker from Jakarta Indonesia, talking aboutthe digital preservation of world heritage, focusing on theBorobudur Temple (Indonesia). Borobudur Temple is just re-openedin November 2011 from the long-term restoration after theearthquake damage. This session is the first workshop of theseries named "AGORAsia", jointly organized with UNESCO, SOI Asiaand CONNECTAsia. http://connectivity.connect-asia.org/2011/11/1/agorasia/
Published 12/11/11
As a part of this program, this weekend, 3 Keio Universitystudents are visiting Kyoto and 3 Kyoto University students arevisiting Tokyo/Yokohama to do their field research. In thissession, visiting students in each campus will present the resultof their field works during the weekend.
Published 12/04/11
Two researchers from Kyoto University will present their recentworks followed by the discussion among participants. Firstpresentation is about the social welfare in Thailand, and thesecond presentation is "Gender and Islamic Piety: The Emergenceof Muslim Women Political Leaders in the Direct Local HeadElection ".
Published 11/27/11
2 researchers in Keio University introduces their field orientedresearches both in Philippines followed by the discussion amongstudents. First presentation is "Detainees Insecurity inMandaluyong Jail (Philippines)". The second presentation is"Children in Disaster Prone Areas: Their Insecurities andPotentials as Active Agents in Disaster Management (CaragaRegion, Philippines in Focus)". Both researches are heavilycontributed by a long-term field works.
Published 11/13/11
Prof. Nakamura from Kyoto University will introduce the newacademic area called "Field Informatics".
Published 11/06/11
In this session, we invite Mr. Gred Dalziel, PhD candidate ofKeio University to talk about this recent research about "Rumor",as an interesting example of field oriented research.
Published 10/30/11
In this session, we invite Mr. Tsuchiya , PhD cancdidate of KeioUniversity, to talk about a very interesting tool to support yourfield work called "Field Explorer". He is the developer of thistool as well as a user of this tool for his own field research inVietnam. He will give us an introductory session about the tool,and how the field research is supported by ICT.
Published 10/23/11
Prof. Umegaki of Keio University will talk about what is theresearch in Asia and what is the research about Asia ?
Published 10/16/11
Four "architects" of this joint course will introduce thestudents to its overall goal, and the system of computer andhuman networks which supports it.
Published 10/02/11