Special lecture by Prof.Ikrar Nusa Bhakti from IndonesianInstitute of Science.
Published 12/17/12
Prof. Ken Jimbo will give a lecture from Bangkok, Thailand.
Published 12/10/12
Lecture by Ms. Sarah Bratanek, coming from Canada, researching inJapan.
Published 12/03/12
Keio graduate student(s) present their research findings
Published 11/05/12
A group of Keio undergraduate students present a case of Asian(Japanese) studies based actually on their own field work.
Published 10/29/12
A discussion of Asia and Japan in the regional communitydevelopment context.
Published 10/22/12
A discussion of what Asia can do for Japan and vice versa in abroad framwork.
Published 10/15/12
A Kyoto University Asian specialist offers Asia from aperspective of an "area studies."
Published 10/08/12
Umegaki offers his version of a policy-oriented Asian studies.
Published 10/01/12
Unlike a regular lecture course, the workshop demands thestudents to be actively involved in all phases of its progress.Thus, the first meeting will be given for the orientation
Published 09/24/12