في حلقة جميلة مع ضيفنا محمود العليوي تطرقنا عن مفهوم التغير و تكلمنا عن أهم الخطوات اللي ساهمت في رحلة تغير ضيفنا الى الافضل بودكاست محمود العليوي:https://youtu.be/PUO0jpNhalc?si=1amlXnItoGKgXTrs
Published 03/02/24
Published 03/02/24
حلقة جد جميلة مع طالبة طب و حافظة لكتاب الله مع صحراوي روميسة
Published 05/06/23
كانت لقة دردشة خفيفة باش نولو للبودكاست ترقبوا الحلقات الجاين ان شاء االه و ما تنسوس تخلولي لاايكم في الانستغرام
Published 04/29/23
٥ دروس من كتاب لماذا ننام
Published 07/31/22
🤍İNSTAGRAM 🤍 https://www.instagram.com/silouanelm/ 🤍PODCAST🤍 Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/5mKM4pmD0zwinj4QVIDqBs?si=oCv-anFtR0uytaQN_6Unkg&utm_source=copy-link&dl_branch=1 Google podcast : https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xYzA4MjJhMC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw?ep=14
Published 07/19/22
حلقة اليوم تكلمت فيها على الخوف من الفشل و بعض إستراتجيات التعامل معه
Published 06/22/22
هل تخاف من التغير ؟ لا تعرف كيف تتعامل مع التغيرات الخارجية و التأقلم معها ؟ في هذه الحلقة شاركت معكم وجهة نظري عن كيفية التعامل مع التغير و استغلاله للتطوير من أنفسنا اتمنى ان تفيدكم 🤍
Published 06/06/22
الغرور هو العدو  للمؤلف ريان هوليداي الذي يوضح كيفية التعامل مع غرور ومقاومة النفس ووضع الأهداف أولًا فوق رغبات الإنسان بالظهور أيضًا. يكشف كاتب كيف أن الاعتقادات الموجودة بأدمغتنا – الاعتقاد الذي يدور حول العالم من حولنا وبيننا وحدنا – يعيقنا عن عيش الحياة التي نحلم بها كثيرًا، و ما يمكننا القيام به للتغلب علي هذه الأفكار أو الاعتقادات عند كل دور وكيفية تحقيق العظمة الحقيقية. الغرور
Published 01/25/22
في فيديو اليوم شاركت معكم بعض الطرق التي تساعدني في بناء العادات الجيدة في حياتي بنجاح اتمنى أن ينال إعجابكم 🤍 🤍İNSTAGRAM 🤍 https://www.instagram.com/silouanelm/
Published 01/22/22
Our Guest today is BRUCE PULVER. He is  a father a husband an entrepreneur ,a speaker and the writer of the book ABOVE THE CHATTER OUR WORDS MATTER . In Today's episode  was a fruitful one ,we learned a lot of things, we discussed his experience in writing his book and the importanceofour words ,we also discussed his experience as a speaker and we discovered a lot of keys of success and lot of keys to be A better human beings .
Published 12/15/21
في حلقة اليوم قدمت لكم 5 دروس تعلمتها من كتاب deep work للكاتب cal Newport هذا الكتاب يعلمك كيفاش تقدر تنجز العديد من الأشياء بفاعلية و دقة و تركيز أكثر
Published 12/15/21
اليوم كانت معنا بلقيس كاتبة شابة شاركت معنا تجربتها في طريقها لكتابة كتابها اللذي كان تحت عنوان ^هذا أنا^
Published 10/01/21
في الحلقة تاع اليوم حكيت على 5 عادات لحياة افضل 🤍İNSTAGRAM 🤍 https://www.instagram.com/silouanelm/ 🤍PODCAST🤍 Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/5mKM4pmD0zwinj4QVIDqBs?si=oCv-anFtR0uytaQN_6Unkg&utm_source=copy-link&dl_branch=1 Google podcast : https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xYzA4MjJhMC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw?ep=14
Published 09/28/21
It was a big pleasure for me to have this amazig person with me . Today's guest is a person from who i learned so many life lessons by listening to his talk and applying his advice , and in this episode we talked about different topics and we saw life from his angle. today's guest Hassan Alsheikh one of the best content creator and radio host ....want to know more about him and listen to his valuable advice make sure to listen to the episode and follow him on his social media accounts...
Published 05/14/21
Today we have with us a beautiful girl who inspired us with her talk and her wisdom we talked about so many subjects that will help you to be a better version of you, she shared with us a lot from her experience as a coach and as a person who passed through a lot of stuff in her life a big thank you to FOUGHALI MERIEM for these amazing words
Published 04/26/21
Today's guest is the amazing woman, Fatima Mohammed This woman has always wanted to play football, wear heels, write books, and help women. Her authorship debut has seen all four come true. She is a certified NLP Master Practitioner and Happiness Life Coach who lends her voice to those living under fear, shame, and silence. Fatima has taken the cause from gripping pages to prominent stages such as TEDx and Wikistage to raise awareness and invite others to break the cycle of abuse and find...
Published 03/21/21
an amazing girl shined with her positivity in this podcast she shared with us her passion for voice over and she let us dive deep into her world to discover the beauty of a cultivated loved passion . Her advice was to love and keep loving and fiding time for your passion no matter what ! thanx you Amina Leziar for joining us today with your positivity it was a big pleasure! 🤍Join my community 🤍 📍Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHDmlDZjhr3/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 🤍find...
Published 03/12/21
today's guest is an Algerian public speaker and a coach in public speaking he shared with us in this episode some advice that could help you so much to improve yourself and BE A BETTER YOU. 📍Find coach nassim on Instagram 👇 https://www.instagram.com/tv/CJjpSNuF2Ce/?igshid=esrtv3nb5ddk 🤍Join my community 🤍 📍Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHDmlDZjhr3/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Published 02/05/21
In Today's episode iam very honored that a person that teached me so many lessons without even knowing that joined us ,to share with us his thoughts and the beautiful lessons he learned 🙌 This man used his voice as a tool to transmit his message and leave a legacy behind him in this world and help people be the best version of themselves by sharing his knowledge and his experiences. _____________________________________ 🤍Join Hussain Amiri 🤍 📍Instagram...
Published 01/21/21
Le croire et le vouloir c'est être prêt à écrire son histoire. An inspiring episode with manel zahia the musician , writer and journalist ❤🤍Join my community 🤍 📍Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHDmlDZjhr3/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Follow manel on Instagram ❤❤👇👇https://www.instagram.com/p/CECti2HjwR4/?igshid=4n6im8aqwynr
Published 01/14/21
Self love is a crucial subject and talking about it is inspiring and awaking about our reality.
Published 01/07/21
2020 was a challenging and a different year for a lot of us and now it is time to reflect back and see what we learned and what are we willing to do and to be this next year .
Published 12/31/20
It can be easy to get caught up in your emotions as you’re feeling them. Most people don’t think about what emotions they are dealing with, but taking the time to really identify what you’re feeling can help you to better cope with challenging situations in this podcast i talked about some ways that may help you better deal with your feelings
Published 11/22/20
كن أفضل هو بودكاست لكل انسان يسعى إلى تطوير ذاته و تحسين حياته ، هذا البودكاست يسعى الى رفع الوعي من خلال مناقشة مواضيع مختلفة في مجالات متعددة .في هذا البودكاست نُفيد و نستفيد من خبرات ناس تشارك معنا تجاربها المتواضعة لذا كن مستعد لتشارك معنا في هذه الرحلة...رحلة لنكون أفضل .
Published 11/09/20