私募市场 | 永续式私募股权 ——私人财富的新选择
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什么是永续式结构、其与传统的封闭式10年期基金结构有什么不同之处,而在投资组合中建立私募股权的配置又为什么具有优势?   本期《市场透视》播客节目,我們邀请到来自KKR香港的销售代表Michael Hsu分享他对私募股权(尤其是开放式永续基金结构)的洞见,与我们的亚洲基金专家Simon Song共同解答以上有关永续式私募股权的疑问。   Important legal information: The information and opinions expressed in this podcast constitute marketing material and are not the result of independent financial or investment research. Please refer to www.juliusbaer.com/legal/podcasts for further important legal information. Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P.  (KKR) disclaimer: This podcast is for informational purposes only and should be considered of a general nature. The information in this podcast is current only as of the date published. No undertaking, representation, warranty or other assurance, express or implied, is made or given by or on behalf of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P. (along with certain affiliates), or any of its respective partners, executives, employees as to the accuracy or completeness of the information or opinions contained in this presentation and no responsibility or liability is accepted by any of them for any such information or opinions. Such information or opinions should not be relied upon and are subject to change without notice. Anyone listening to this podcast should consult their own advisors relating to any investment decision. Statements contained in this podcast that are not historical facts are based on KKR's current expectations, estimates, projections, opinions and beliefs. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors and should not be relied upon. There are several risks associated with investments in private equity structures. In addition, any projections or other estimates, including estimates of returns or performance, are “forward-looking statements” and are based on certain assumptions that may change.
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投资者在过去一个月所最关切的话题,包括存量房贷利率近期内下调的可能性与潜在影响、驱动人民币走强的基本面及技术面因素、黄金再次上涨的催化剂,以及中国国债对于全球投资者的潜在投资价值,都将在本期《与思睿集团月度对话》中得以深度探讨。 本期播客(于2024年9月3日录制)由瑞士宝盛香港研究部主管邓启志先生联同思睿集团合伙人及首席经济学家洪灏先生分析中国市场近况。
Published 09/05/24
Published 09/05/24
投资者在过去一个月所最关切的话题,包括七月下旬的三中全会和政治局会议、新近出台的3000亿超长国债对刺激消费的实际作用、央行下调关键利率及借券卖出操作背后的深意、近期的板块轮动,以及中美芯片战的最新进展,都将在本期《与思睿集团月度对话》中得以深度探讨。 本期播客(于2024年8月1日录制)由瑞士宝盛香港研究部主管邓启志先生联同思睿集团合伙人及首席经济学家洪灏先生分析中国市场近况。
Published 08/04/24