Welcome to the brand new exciting “Tough Love Thursdays” segment here on the podcast!Each week I’ll be delivering a short tough love truth in just 10 minutes or less to support you in opening your mind, diving deep and facing the truth on your sugar freedom journey.Come prepared with an open mind and a willingness to look at your life and habits with food through a new lens.Enjoy!Join the Simply Balanced Health Facebook Family to tune in live each Thursday: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sim...
Published 04/18/24
Did you know there’s more than 1 reason that you emotionally eat? In fact there’s a whole list of root causes to why we cope and numb out using food. In my own deep healing I’ve seen this in myself. Understanding that the reason I reach for food is really what was keeping me in the unhealthy patterns. We MUST understand the WHY before we can uncover the solution. And today’s guest is here to help us do just that! Errin smith is here - host of the What we crave summit to share all she’s...
Published 04/16/24
Welcome to the brand new exciting “Tough Love Thursdays” segment here on the podcast! Each week I’ll be delivering a short tough love truth in just 10 minutes or less to support you in opening your mind, diving deep and facing the truth on your sugar freedom journey. Come prepared with an open mind and a willingness to look at your life and habits with food through a new lens. Enjoy! Join the Simply Balanced Health Facebook Family to tune in live each Thursday:...
Published 04/11/24
Are you out of alignment with your health and body? Has being healthy become complicated and overwhelming - especially as you age? If you’re like most women, you’re disconnected from your body, out of alignment with your goals and life AND stuck in health information overload… But what if being healthy could be simple? What if you could put down the war on willpower and find ease in your healing journey? And what if you honoured your needs as they change through the decades? Ellie...
Published 04/09/24
Welcome to the brand new exciting “Tough Love Thursdays” segment here on the podcast! Each week I’ll be delivering a short tough love truth in just 10 minutes or less to support you in opening your mind, diving deep and facing the truth on your sugar freedom journey. Come prepared with an open mind and a willingness to look at your life and habits with food through a new lens. Enjoy! Join the Simply Balanced Health Facebook Family to tune in live each Thursday:...
Published 04/04/24
Did you know that the more muscle you have the more carbs you can eat? If you’re like most women I know you’re dying to find ways to be able to enjoy sugar without the guilt AND to have it not contribute to weight gain. Well… the secret may be in your muscles! Join us today with Coach Tara Garrison for a deep dive conversation on the importance of muscle in all areas of our life especially insulin sensitivity and metabolic health. I’ll admit, building muscle work into my weekly routine...
Published 04/02/24
Welcome to the brand new exciting “Tough Love Thursdays” segment here on the podcast! Each week I’ll be delivering a short tough love truth in just 10 minutes or less to support you in opening your mind, diving deep and facing the truth on your sugar freedom journey. Come prepared with an open mind and a willingness to look at your life and habits with food through a new lens. Enjoy! Join the Simply Balanced Health Facebook Family to tune in live each Thursday:...
Published 03/28/24
On average women take 20,000 breaths per day. And most of the time this is completely unconscious. We breathe without thinking about it or being intentional. And yet our breath is one of our most POWERFUL tools for health and healing. Over the years various breath patterns have been studied to see what happens when we bring our FOCUS to our breath and control it in certain ways. And the results are astounding. One particular style has been shown to support deep trauma, nervous system,...
Published 03/26/24
Welcome to the brand new exciting “Tough Love Thursdays” segment here on the podcast! Each week I’ll be delivering a short tough love truth in just 10 minutes or less to support you in opening your mind, diving deep and facing the truth on your sugar freedom journey. Come prepared with an open mind and a willingness to look at your life and habits with food through a new lens. Enjoy! Join the Simply Balanced Health Facebook Family to tune in live each Thursday:...
Published 03/21/24
Women who eat more sugar during pregnancy are more likely to have children to eat more sugar. Were you conditioned at birth to be addicted to sugar? We’re born into a sugar laden world that sets us up to be addicted to this white substance. But how did we get here? And what do we do about it? Dr. Nicole Avena is an Associate Professor of Neuroscience at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, and a Visiting Professor of Health Psychology at Princeton University. She is a...
Published 03/19/24
Welcome to the brand new exciting “Tough Love Thursdays” segment here on the podcast! Each week I’ll be delivering a short tough love truth in just 10 minutes or less to support you in opening your mind, diving deep and facing the truth on your sugar freedom journey. Come prepared with an open mind and a willingness to look at your life and habits with food through a new lens. Enjoy! Join the Simply Balanced Health Facebook Family to tune in live each Thursday:...
Published 03/14/24
Have you “tried everything” to get back in control with food and sugar? Maybe even spending thousands of dollars and countless hours on programs, books, and workshops. And maybe you’ve seen some shifts and progress but have been going slower than you hoped. I myself have been on my deep inner healing journey for the last 8 years and I’ve seen and done “it all”. And in this time and watching my clients on their journey to food freedom, I’ve noticed clearly what tools make the BIGGEST...
Published 03/12/24
Welcome to the brand new exciting “Tough Love Thursdays” segment here on the podcast! Each week I’ll be delivering a short tough love truth in just 10 minutes or less to support you in opening your mind, diving deep and facing the truth on your sugar freedom journey. Come prepared with an open mind and a willingness to look at your life and habits with food through a new lens. Enjoy! Join the Simply Balanced Health Facebook Family to tune in live each Thursday:...
Published 03/07/24
Did you know that your body is DESIGNED TO HEAL? That’s right, you CAN heal from chronic disease following a few time tested strategies to optimize health in your body and decrease toxins. I’m so excited to introduce you to today’s guest Nicolette Richer and the fascinating conversation and research she has to share about diabetes and the common myths around sugar. Dr. Nicolette Richer, DSocSci is the CEO & FOUNDER OF RICHER HEALTH CONSULTING LTD. And GREEN MOUSTACHE ORGANIC CAFES...
Published 03/05/24
Over 60 million limbs have been lost due to diabetes since 1960… But why are we so quick to hack off a limb as soon as there is nerve damage? What if we looked at WHY the damage existed in the first place and find ways to support it back to health… That’s exactly what today’s guest is here to share - there IS another way In this episode: What is the link between sugar and nerve damageHow sugar leads to inflammationThe science behind regenerating nervesWhy a meat based diet is vital for...
Published 02/27/24
Welcome to the brand new exciting “Tough Love Thursdays” segment here on the podcast! Each week I’ll be delivering a short tough love truth in just 10 minutes or less to support you in opening your mind, diving deep and facing the truth on your sugar freedom journey. Come prepared with an open mind and a willingness to look at your life and habits with food through a new lens. Enjoy! Join the Simply Balanced Health Facebook Family to tune in live each Thursday:...
Published 02/22/24
The Beyond Sugar Freedom Podcast has just turned 2 years old! I can’t even begin to thank you for following along with the show here. It’s not possible without your feedback, support and reviews. YOU keep me going on my mission to help women reclaim peace and freedom with food from the inside out. To celebrate we’re doing something special on the show - I’ll be sharing my biggest lessons hosting the podcast over the last 2 years that can also be applied to your sugar journey. AND...
Published 02/20/24
 Welcome to the brand new exciting “Tough Love Thursdays” segment here on the podcast! Each week I’ll be delivering a short tough love truth in just 10 minutes or less to support you in opening your mind, diving deep and facing the truth on your sugar freedom journey. Come prepared with an open mind and a willingness to look at your life and habits with food through a new lens. Enjoy! Join the Simply Balanced Health Facebook Family to tune in live each Thursday:...
Published 02/15/24
Did you know that drinking alcohol dramatically increases your chances of getting breast cancer (among many other diseases). And if you’re like most women I know, you’ve maybe used alcohol your whole life as a tool to get through when life gets hard OR to fit in social settings. So, why when we know alcohol is toxic for our body do we still drink? Why does it seem so hard to say NO sometimes. Tune in today for a POWERFUL and eye opening conversation about the truth behind WHY we drink and...
Published 02/13/24
Do you self-sabotage whenever you’re getting close to a goal? Or maybe you notice you never keep your word to yourself? Welcome to the club, sister! If you’re like most women you know exactly what I’m talking about. That feeling of almost being at your goal weight, then slipping back into unhealthy patterns. That feeling of being 3 weeks into a 4 week sugar detox and all of a sudden finding yourself giving up and back into the cookies. So what’s really going on here? WHY do we...
Published 02/06/24
We have a very special and exciting episode for you today! I’ve just opened up registration for the next round of my signature 10 week Break Free From Sugar Program and you’re invited! ➠ Register for the Break Free From Sugar LIVE 10-week Group Program HERE before registration closes on Jan 30th at 10 PM PST! In this episode: What makes the BFFS program so unique and like nothing you’ve tried beforeHow my 3 Pillars approach will help you create LASTING healthy relationship with sugar and...
Published 01/27/24
A VERY special gift for all of you today. Sharing the replays of my LIVE 3 day Sugar Freedom Bootcamp that I host only once a year! These episodes will only be up for a limited time so dive in. In this live 3 day event we’re diving deep into understanding why the 3 Pillar system is necessary if you ever want to break free from sugar FOR GOOD. Through this week I’ll be teaching you WHY you’re still stuck on sugar, the missing key pillar to create lasting peace with food, how to detox from...
Published 01/26/24
A VERY special gift for all of you today. Sharing the replays of my LIVE 3 day Sugar Freedom Bootcamp that I host only once a year! These episodes will only be up for a limited time so dive in. In this live 3 day event we’re diving deep into understanding why the 3 Pillar system is necessary if you ever want to break free from sugar FOR GOOD. Through this week I’ll be teaching you WHY you’re still stuck on sugar, the missing key pillar to create lasting peace with food, how to detox from...
Published 01/24/24
 A VERY special gift for all of you today. Sharing the replays of my LIVE 3 day Sugar Freedom Bootcamp that I host only once a year! These episodes will only be up for a limited time so dive in. In this live 3 day event we’re diving deep into understanding why the 3 Pillar system is necessary if you ever want to break free from sugar FOR GOOD. Through this week I’ll be teaching you WHY you’re still stuck on sugar, the missing key pillar to create lasting peace with food, how to detox from...
Published 01/22/24
Welcome to the brand new exciting “Tough Love Thursdays” segment here on the podcast! Each week I’ll be delivering a short tough love truth in just 10 minutes or less to support you in opening your mind, diving deep and facing the truth on your sugar freedom journey. Come prepared with an open mind and a willingness to look at your life and habits with food through a new lens. Enjoy! Join the Simply Balanced Health Facebook Family to tune in live each Thursday:...
Published 01/18/24