Job Chapter Fifteen
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Eliphaz is self reasoning against Job once more.  He accuses Job that he himself is undermining God by questioning God's ways. Eliphaz insist that the sinful are doomed for destruction. He drops the charge that Job is the person that fits these description. "Your own lips testify against you!" Eliphaz declare. Going on about congregation of the hypocrites falling into desolation,  and something about the idea of bribery. #Bible #Podcasts #Daily #Job #Fifteen
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Job persist, "My righteousness I hold fast. Let my enemy be as the wicked!  This is the portion of the wicked man. The wind sweeps him from his place." #Job, #Chapter, #Twenty Seven, #Bible Podcast podcasts, best podcast, google podcasts, apple podcast, Sin Radio USA
Published 06/11/20
Job enquirers "How have you helped the weak?" He insist that so long as breath is in him, his lips will not speak wickedness. #Job, #Chapter, #Twenty Six, #Bible Podcast podcasts, best podcast, google podcasts, apple podcast, Sin Radio USA
Published 06/11/20
Bildad the Shuhite in attempt to justify God, declares that not even the stars are pure in the sight of God. So therefore he concludes, how can a man such as Job even be righteous in His sight?  #Job, #Chapter, #Twenty Five, #Bible Podcast podcasts, best podcast, google podcasts, apple...
Published 06/11/20