Bildad the Shuhite in attempt to justify God, declares that not even the stars are pure in the sight of God.
So therefore he concludes, how can a man such as Job even be righteous in His sight?
#Job, #Chapter, #Twenty Five, #Bible Podcast
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Job persist, "My righteousness I hold fast. Let my enemy be as the wicked!
This is the portion of the wicked man. The wind sweeps him from his place."
#Job, #Chapter, #Twenty Seven, #Bible Podcast
podcasts, best podcast, google podcasts, apple podcast, Sin Radio USA
Published 06/11/20
Job enquirers "How have you helped the weak?"
He insist that so long as breath is in him, his lips will not speak wickedness.
#Job, #Chapter, #Twenty Six, #Bible Podcast
podcasts, best podcast, google podcasts, apple podcast, Sin Radio USA
Published 06/11/20
Job exclaims if it be not so now what he has said, then who will make me a liar, and make his speech nothing worth?
#Job, #Chapter, #Twenty Four, #Bible Podcast
podcasts, best podcast, google podcasts, apple podcast, Sin Radio USA
Published 06/04/20