Yet another amazing series from NYT. This is an education in life as we know it today. Once again, it is the real story, as real as most of us can get, or want to get, to being there. Reporters are teachers, messengers, and heroes.
CadYankee via Apple Podcasts · Canada · 04/19/18
More reviews of Caliphate
You guys always come up with great stuff but Fatmini (sorry, I just couldn’t resist) really outdoes herself. I am on the edge of my seat waiting for episode 3. Thanks NYT and Rukmini.
JerseyPirate via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 04/29/18
I am excited to hear more from this show. It sounds well-researched and like it will offer a new perspective on a much-discussed subject.
NML12 via · 04/19/18
15804259 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 04/21/18
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