Virtual treatment makes treatment a reality for individuals who are unable to access services otherwise due to barriers such as geography, psychosocial issues, or competing work and family responsibilities. By creating a realistic and immersive virtual office space online, professionals and consumers can meet collaboratively as “avatars” and participants can access individual and group activities in real time. At Preferred Family Healthcare, the three-dimensional virtual environment is...
Published 06/26/15
In this presentation, Dr. Joshua Taylor outlines common psychological issues facing veterans from the various military branches, exploring commonalities and differences among them. He begins by addressing the thinking, feeling and behaving aspects of military functioning and military life. This is often overlooked in the therapeutic setting, by the veterans, their families and the therapist. Understanding these important elements can shed light on the issues being addressed. Dr. Taylor also...
Published 05/22/15
This lecture describes an attachment-based model for understanding the psychological and family processes surrounding what has traditionally been referred to as “parental alienation” in high-conflict divorce. The presentation will cover the family systems origins, the contributing personality disorder factors, and the attachment-system foundations that lead to parental alienation following divorce. A set of three diagnostic indicators in the child’s symptom display will be identified that...
Published 11/21/14
This lecture outlines the diagnosis and treatment of an attachment-based model for the psychological and family processes in high-conflict divorce, traditionally described as “parental alienation.” This is a follow-up presentation to an extremely well-received introduction that described, among other things, the attachment-system foundations that lead to parental alienation. In this presentation, Dr. Childress sets forth a clear framework for diagnosing the presence of attachment-based...
Published 11/21/14
The current state of addiction recovery treatment—worldwide—is a disaster. There is virtually no education in our medical schools or the schools that train our counselors and therapists about the disease of addiction. While there are many breakthroughs occurring in our understanding of the disease of addiction as a genetic, neurological, social and spiritual disease, there has been no serious effort—outside of Integral Recovery—to bring all of these disparate fields of study under one roof...
Published 10/24/14
The world is filled with words. Everybody’s talking. We communicate primarily through our words. But what about the space between the words? We are always trying to determine what to say next, but how much do we think about when to say it—and when not to? Every compelling relationship—with family, friends or co-workers, and even the therapeutic relationship—requires silent moments to deepen the connection, trust and love that make them the “pearl of great price” which we ultimately seek. This...
Published 09/26/14
This dynamic presentation outlines forensic psychology, utilizing a much broader perspective than what is typically considered. Those only casually familiar with the field of forensic psychology commonly associate it with criminal profiling, serial murder and investigations. However, there are many more aspects to the field that are not typically exposed in the media. Dr. Phan introduces and explores several of these areas of forensic psychology, with special focus on the primary testimonial...
Published 06/20/14
Drs. Edward Teyber and Faith McClure Teyber return to California Southern University to continue their discussion about the therapeutic relationship as the vehicle for transformation and change, highlighting critical, core concepts that are widely employed across the relationally oriented therapies. In this lecture, the presenters will focus on their recently published article “Working with the Process Dimension in Relational Therapies: Guidelines for Clinical Training,” which explores how...
Published 04/17/14
Published 11/09/12
Join Esther Perel—best-selling author and internationally acclaimed expert on couples and sexuality—as she discusses obstacles and anxieties couples face when their quest for secure love conflicts with their pursuit of passion. Contrary to popular belief, sexual problems are not always the result of relational problems, and improving the emotional relationship may do little to improve the sex. Using case examples and video vignettes, Perel probes the bonds and conflicts between love and...
Published 11/09/12
In this engaging and highly interactive lecture, Drs. Teyber and McClure discuss ways in which the therapeutic relationship can be facilitative to client engagement and success in treatment. The presentation draws heavily upon material found in Teyber and McClure’s highly acclaimed book, Interpersonal Process in Therapy: An Integrative Model. Viewers will learn a model wherein the therapist-client relationship is a core and primary component of the treatment process. The relationship can...
Published 11/02/12
Dr. Robert Weathers presents on the topic of emotional intelligence and mirroring at Cal State Long Beach.
Published 09/19/12