Ep9. The Number 1 Thing that STOPS People Achieving is... (with Stuart Walter)
Sports people and business executives that are going for championship levels only ever operate at their 80% capacity of their full potential. Here's why...
After working with Elite Performers in sport and business, Stuart gives you the NUMBER ONE thing that stops people reaching their full potential.
Most elite performers are only operating at 80% of what they are truly capable of. So what holds them back?
Even though a high performance athlete may be giving it there all, there are inner-workings in them that prevent them reaching their 100%.
In this episode Stuart Walter shares his list of what those things are that hold people back and give you the listener an insight into the number one thing, and how you can overcome it, so that you (or your business team) can break through the barrier too.
You will get from this episode:
• Learnings and awareness of what is holding you, your team, and your business back – without even realising it
• How you can utilise Stuart's experience to breakthrough to new heights
• How examples of how world champion athletes can demonstrate new tools that business executives and CEOs can harness too.
In future episodes, business coach Lewis Haydon and mindset expert Stuart Walter will open up this discussion further into how this applies to other areas of business and success. Be sure to follow/subscribe to stay up to date.
Be great,
Stuart and Lewis
Be sure to follow/subscribe to stay up to date.
Thanks for supporting Lewis and myself, Stuart over the last year and bit. We have had fun delivering and sharing our knowledge with you all.
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