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Choose Strong with Sally and Eddie McRae
Choose Strong
Hosted by Eddie and Sally McRae, Choose Strong is about choosing strength over fear in every situation in life. Strong Mind, Strong Body, Strong Love. Each episode is filled with candid insight, raw and relatable stories and interviews. As a pro athlete, wife, mother, and biz owner, Sally seeks to encourage others to live a strong and courageous life and uses her running as a metaphor for life. The show covers a variety of life focused topics including running, total wellness, mindset, parenting, life balance, the impact of social media, and staying motivated while working toward goals. ...
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Ratings & Reviews
5.0 stars from 1,466 ratings
Such a Blessing
I fell upon this love of trail running because of Sally. The podcast is sooo much more! I enjoy listening to all things Sally and Eddie and highly recommend everyone listen to these wonderful people! Laugh, cry, and everything in between! There isn’t a big enough KUDO to offer!
B Shaver via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 09/08/24
Great Episode on Fear and Amxiety
This was one of the best episodes I’ve heard from Choose Strong! It’s reassuring to hear that everyone deals with some level of fear on the trail as well as fear related to setting big goals. I also absolutely loved hearing what’s in Sally’s pack! I backpack sections of the AT and am a wannabe...Read full review »
TN Daisy via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 09/06/24
Ultras and pure heart
Speaking to my legs, muscles, heart and laughing along through it. Sally and Eddie join us for the runs bringing the inspiration and amazing stories through trails, races, family and the many turns of life. Start listening now, get moving, reflect and laugh. I look forward the next episode.
Doc Quixote via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 09/04/24
Recent Episodes
Staying consistent is difficult, especially when life is busy and motivation is low. So, how can we stay consistent through it all? In this episode, Sally shares some insight on how she has been able to be consistent with her training with everything else that she does. You'll learn the...
Published 09/08/24
Published 09/08/24
Listen as Sally shares wisdom from her experience, as a pro trail/mountain runner for the past 10 years, on how to face fear & anxiety when running trails. So many tips to make you feel confident as you step out on the trail! All links, discounts, and ways to support the podcast are...
Published 09/01/24
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