Figuring out where to live after divorce is often very unsettling and is the issue that causes the most upheaval. While you and your STBX are discussing what happens to the marital home, you feel in a state of limbo, uncertain where life will take you. That makes it hard to make other decisions and yet, at least one of you is going to have to move.
Here you are, in the middle of one of life’s most stressful experiences, with everyone telling you no to make any major decisions and there’s this one that you absolutely have to make.
How do you decide when to move out of the home? How do you choose where to live? What about the kids? Is renting short term a waste of money?
Joining Mandyfor this Conversation is attorney David Glass with Enenstein Pham & Glass. Glass recently published a book, Moving On: Redesigning Your Emotional, Financial and Social Life After Divorce, drawing on his long career as a family law attorney with a PhD in Clinical Psychology as well as his first-hand experience.
You can find a synopsis of this Conversation at Mandy's blog:
Read more about David Glass at
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