You may not realize this, but your mental health may not be private in divorce and it could be used to restrict your parenting time.
That’s a counter-pull to the current initiatives in our society. We’re being encouraged to talk openly about, accept, and destigmatize mental health issues. We’re being urged to seek help and treatment for our issues.
And, when we do access help, we expect that to given in confidence. There’s a patient-physician privilege to protect us. That’s there to create an environment that cultivates trust and honesty which is fundamental to successful treatment.
But in parenting disputes, that privacy can be broken. The fact that you’ve sought treatment can be used against you.
So, what can you do to prepare yourself? What can you do to protect yourself?
Joining me for this Conversation About Divorce is New York-based family law and matrimonial attorney, Lisa Zeiderman. Zeiderman is the managing partner at Miller, Zeiderman and Whittaker and her work on this topic has appeared in Psychology Today.
You'll find a synopsis of this Conversation at my blog:
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