How To Rekindle The Passion In A Sexless Marriage
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If you’ve been Googling ‘sexless marriage’ then you may also be wondering if passion in your marriage can be rekindled. Most people who now have little to no physical intimacy with their spouse will tell you that it’s not how the relationship started. But somehow, at some point, the passion started to fade. The sex became tense, distant, infrequent. Couple that with feelings of rejection, abandonment, not being loved and even talking about the lack of sex becomes challenging, if not impossible. That obstacle can drive a wedge further into an already strained relationship so that not only has physical intimacy gone but also the emotional intimacy. By then, one or both of you are considering divorce. The standard response to that is to try marriage counselling but is there something else you can do to rekindle the passion? My guest for this Conversation About Divorce is Stephanie Pappas. Pappas is a sex and relationship coach who follows the 5 Erotic Blueprints™ coaching method. Contact Stephanie at for a free 30-minute consult. You'll find a synopsis of this Conversation at my blog:
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