Cryptocurrency And Divorce: What You Need To Know
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With Facebook’s announcement that its own digital currency, Libra is coming in 2020, this type of asset is going to become much more common. If you’re ending your marriage, that means you need to get up to speed about divorce and cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is often thought of as hard to trace, difficult to value and highly volatile. All that can spell trouble when you’re negotiating your divorce settlement. So what exactly is cryptocurrency, who typically holds it and how can you find it? Joining me for this Conversation About Divorce is Paul Sibenik with Cryptforensic Investigators who help lawyers and their clients going through divorce to track, trace, and recover non-disclosed or undeclared cryptocurrency through forensic accounting. Paul's website is You'll find a synopsis of this Conversation at my blog: https://sincemydivorce,com/what-you-need-to-know-about-divorce-and-cryptocurrency Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash
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