Peta Kelly is a paradigm-shifting leader that truly believes we can eradicate poverty and redesign for sustainability as all the solutions are there. In this episode, we explore how we can all take small steps to help bring forth a new thriving paradigm, how to live in alignment with your souls calling, why play is so powerful, what is so special about the millennial generation, and so much more. Don’t miss the message of this game-changing millennial leader!
Published 06/25/18
In this episode we talk about the rise of conscious entrepreneurs, the B-corp movement, the systemic challenges we’re facing, how to re-evaluate profits, the role of the ego, the #MEtoo movement and the rise of feminine leadership – with one of the most seasoned and experienced social entrepreneurs in the world: Marcello Palazzi, founder of Progression, B-corp Ambassador and progressive economist.
Published 02/06/18
Is peace really possible? Is there a business plan for peace? Three-times Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Dr. Scilla Elworthy has spent her entire life building peace and working with leaders in high-pressure conflict zones all around the world. She shares her wisdom from a lifetime of preventing war and offers fascinating stories from the frontlines. Tools to help us all identify who we really are, become better leaders, connect with our inner wisdom and combat the desire for revenge.
Published 12/06/17
Leyla Acaroglu is on a mission to challenge the status-quo of the design world. She’s dead-set on helping people realize they don’t need to accept the way things work – we all have the agency to rescript the future by taking the right actions today. She is a modern day super hero, anti-establishment, creative boundary pusher and thinker.
Published 11/22/17
Peggy is a kick-ass Chinese-American leader who dares show up in the world to speak her truth and fight for sustainable development in China. Buckle up for a fascinating conversation on everything from behavior-change, the power of story-telling and visualizing, the environmental progress in China, women empowerment, her own personal transformation, love, ego, the concept of Qi and so much more.
Published 11/07/17
What can business learn from nature? Giles Hutchins represents the courageous new ideas we need on our quest to change the current paradigm from hurting both the people and our planet to instead optimize and regenerate. Listen to his fascinating journey from a high-paced, rational business-career in London to a heart-filled, rich life close to nature in the countryside of Devon.
Published 11/07/17
Are you ready to co-create a new exciting Paradigm for a world where people, planet and profit collectively thrive? A regenerative world where Nature, Eco-systems, People, Creativity and Business flourish? Then welcome to the kick-start of the Cracks of Light Podcast series with your host Laura Storm.
Published 11/07/17