We are mostly rooted in the final Hey of Hashem's name. While we contain all of the G-dly attributes, being that it is expressed to us through G-d's speech, therefore we are most closely connected to the final Hey. While all of creation emanates from the words of Hashem, a more external form of speech, however, the soul of a Jew emanates from the breath of Hashem. While words can permeate a partition, breath can not. The only separation that impacts the integral Jew-G-d connection is sin.
The energy of G-d within the soul of man, would be completely subsumed by the Eternal light, if not for it's garments.
Published 11/11/24
The laws of the Oral Torah, are called the "Crown". As a woman is called the "crown" to her husband, so is the Oral Law to the Written Law.
Published 11/11/24