気候変動将来レジーム形成の現状と課題/Political Processes of Building International Climate Regime(浜中/Hamanaka)
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気候変動将来レジーム交渉の現状、主要論点および課題について論ずる。Review current state of negotiations on post-2012 climate regime, and discuss challenges countries face in reaching an agreement.
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途上国における今後の気候変動政策の在り方を論ずる。Discussing future direction of climate policies conducted by developping coutries in order to inegrate them into their development policies.
Published 07/09/12
イクレイ加盟自治体等を例に内外の自治体による取組の現状と課題について論ずる。Show the challenges of ICLEI member cities and others in Japan and world.
Published 07/02/12
排出量取引制度などの各市政策手法の特徴とそれれらの設計のキーポイントについて論ずる。Discussing emissions trading and other policy instruments, and key ponts for designing these instruments.
Published 06/22/12