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講義の概要と進め方等を説明すると共に、地球環境問題の特徴、経済的・社会的な原因・背景、問題の解決に必要な政府・企業・市民の行動について論ずる。Introduce the outline and schedule of the lecture course, and discuss key aspects of global environmental issues, economic and social factors that have caused these serious challenges, and actions by Governments, businesses and citizens that will be required to provide solutions to the problem.
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低炭素型で持続可能な社会への移行の挑戦が意味するもの、及びその機会と課題について論ずる。Discuss implications of the change that will be required for a transition to a sustainable low-carbon society, including its opportunities and challenges.
Published 07/13/10
低炭素社会への移行の基礎となる、企業、市民等による自主的な温室効果ガス排出量の把握・可視化と自己管理について論ずる。 Accounting, visualization and management are basis for effective measures to reduce GHGs, for regulated entities and also for unregulated individuals.
Published 07/06/10
わが国、及び諸外国の取組の現状と課題について論ずる。Discussing most recent national climate policies and actions, and their challenges
Published 06/29/10