気候変動問題とサイエンス(2)/Climate cahnge issue and science 2
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世界の温室効果ガス排出構造、及びIPCC SRESシナリオ群を例に社会の選択とそれが有する将来予測排出量・気温上昇にとっての意味合いについて論ずる。Review the structure of global GHG emissions and IPCC SRES scenarios, and discuss how different scenarios on future socio-economic development constructed and used in relevant scenario analysis would determine projections of future GHG emissions and surface temperature rise.
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低炭素型で持続可能な社会への移行の挑戦が意味するもの、及びその機会と課題について論ずる。Discuss implications of the change that will be required for a transition to a sustainable low-carbon society, including its opportunities and challenges.
Published 07/13/10
低炭素社会への移行の基礎となる、企業、市民等による自主的な温室効果ガス排出量の把握・可視化と自己管理について論ずる。 Accounting, visualization and management are basis for effective measures to reduce GHGs, for regulated entities and also for unregulated individuals.
Published 07/06/10
わが国、及び諸外国の取組の現状と課題について論ずる。Discussing most recent national climate policies and actions, and their challenges
Published 06/29/10