A Collection of Dhamma Talks. It started off with recording of Dhamma talks by visiting Sangha members to Singapore for personal listening and sharing amongst kalyanamitta. The audio collection gradually grew. Dhamma is precious and benefitting a wider audience are the objectives of Dhammawitz. As long as conditions exist, new audio files will be added.
Recording Date: 2009.0507
Title: Buddha Miracles
Speaker: Ajahn Brahm (https://bswa.org/teachers/ajahn-brahm/ajahn-brahm-bio/)
Venue: Buddhist Fellowship (https://www.buddhistfellowship.org/)
by https://www.dhammawitz.org/
Published 10/06/20
Recording Date: 2009.0121
Title: Bliss Out Meditation Workshop
Speaker: Ajahn Brahm (https://bswa.org/teachers/ajahn-brahm/ajahn-brahm-bio/)
Venue: Buddhist Fellowship (https://www.buddhistfellowship.org/)
by https://www.dhammawitz.org/
Published 10/06/20
Recording Date: 2008.1220
Title: Brightening Up The Gloom
Speaker: Ajahn Brahm (https://bswa.org/teachers/ajahn-brahm/ajahn-brahm-bio/)
Venue: Buddhist Fellowship (https://www.buddhistfellowship.org/)
by https://www.dhammawitz.org/
Published 10/06/20