Dialoogia osa 6, tiiser 1
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Ehk oled omakeskis mõelnud, et huvitav, milline on majandusprofessori vaade praegusele rändepoliitikale? Sellest, et tulevikule mõeldes on tööturule vaja töökäsi juurde, on avalikkuses juba räägitud. Aga miks meie kvoodisüsteem siis kokkuvõttes ikkagi ei meie eesmärke ei toeta?
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This time, our guest is Nathalie Van Raemdonck, a PhD researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in Media and Communication science. Her doctoral research focuses on the spread of misinformation and hostilities on social media, which she investigates through the lens of social norm...
Published 04/24/24
Published 04/24/24
This season is special! The episodes are in English and all about disinformation and societal resilience. Our first guest is Victor Wiard, a researcher in media and journalism studies from Université Saint-Louis in Brussels. He also works with EDMO-BELUX hub for research on digital media and...
Published 04/04/24