45 episodes

Dr Dad is a platform made by Paediatricians and other health experts to help all those parents and caregivers that need the advice right from the experts. Visit www.drdad.in for online consultations, Products and Parenting Information.

Podcast By Dr Dad Dr Dad

    • Kids & Family
    • 5.0 • 15 Ratings

Dr Dad is a platform made by Paediatricians and other health experts to help all those parents and caregivers that need the advice right from the experts. Visit www.drdad.in for online consultations, Products and Parenting Information.

    In Conversation With Mr Adam Drew - How Schooling is Done in One Of The Best Schools In Thailand.

    In Conversation With Mr Adam Drew - How Schooling is Done in One Of The Best Schools In Thailand.

    Headstart International School is a school that ticks all the boxes of an excellent school. The holistic approach to education is the main pillar of the school pedagogy.

    Welcome to the Podcast by Dr. Dad, your go-to destination for insightful conversations on education, parenting, and the holistic approach to nurturing young minds. I'm your host, Dr. Gaurav Nigam, and I'm thrilled to embark on another enriching journey with you today.

    In this episode, we delve into the realm of schooling and education with a special guest who brings a wealth of experience and knowledge. Joining us is none other than Mr. Adam Drew, a distinguished principal from one of Thailand's premier institutions renowned for its commitment to excellence.

    Together, we explore the nuances of fostering a holistic approach to education, where academic learning intertwines seamlessly with personal development and well-being. Mr. Drew shares his insights gleaned from years of dedicated service in shaping the minds of tomorrow's leaders.

    From innovative teaching methodologies to creating a nurturing environment conducive to growth, we uncover the secrets behind what makes a school truly exceptional. Join us as we unravel the layers of effective schooling and discover what sets the best schools apart.

    Whether you're a parent, educator, or simply passionate about the future of education, this episode promises to ignite your curiosity and inspire change. So, sit back, relax, and tune in to the Podcast by Dr. Dad as we embark on a journey of enlightenment together.

    • 13 min
    Navigating Through Teenage Reproductive Health with Dr Ramnik Sabharwal -OBGYN

    Navigating Through Teenage Reproductive Health with Dr Ramnik Sabharwal -OBGYN

    Welcome to "Teenage Health Talks," the podcast where we delve into the intricacies of adolescent well-being, with a particular focus on reproductive health. I'm your host, [Your Name], and today we have a special guest, Dr. [Guest's Name], an esteemed OB-GYN with extensive experience in adolescent health.

    Navigating the waters of teenage health can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to topics like puberty, menstruation, and reproductive health. But fear not, because Dr. [Guest's Name] is here to guide us through it all.

    In this episode, we'll explore the various aspects of teenage health, from understanding the changes our bodies undergo during puberty to addressing common concerns surrounding menstruation. With Dr. [Guest's Name]'s expertise, we'll uncover invaluable insights and practical advice aimed at empowering teenagers to take control of their health and well-being.

    Whether you're a teenager yourself, a parent, or a healthcare professional, this podcast promises to be a valuable resource for understanding and navigating the complexities of teenage health. So sit back, relax, and join us as we embark on this enlightening journey into the world of adolescent reproductive health.

    • 11 min
    Excessive Screen Time Can Cause Virtual Autism.

    Excessive Screen Time Can Cause Virtual Autism.

    Welcome to podcast by Dr Dad, the podcast where we delve deep into the intersection of technology, child development, and mental health. I'm your host,Dr Gaurav Nigam, MD, and in today's episode, we embark on a journey to understand the profound effects of excessive screen time on children, particularly in relation to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and the emergence of what some experts term as "virtual autism."

    In an age where screens dominate our daily lives, from smartphones and tablets to computers and gaming consoles, children are growing up in a digital landscape unlike any previous generation. While technology undoubtedly offers myriad benefits, it also poses significant risks, especially when it comes to the delicate process of child development.

    Excessive screen time refers to prolonged and unrestricted use of electronic devices, often to the detriment of other activities essential for healthy growth and learning. With the rise of virtual classrooms, online gaming, and social media, children are spending more time than ever in front of screens, blurring the lines between virtual and real-world experiences.

    But what happens when screen time surpasses healthy limits? How does it impact the developing minds of children, particularly those on the autism spectrum? These are the questions at the heart of our discussion today.

    Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors. While the exact causes of autism remain elusive, research suggests a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and neurological factors.

    In recent years, experts have observed a concerning trend: the convergence of excessive screen time and symptoms resembling those of autism. This phenomenon, often referred to as "virtual autism."

    One of the hallmarks of autism spectrum disorder is difficulty in navigating social interactions and understanding nonverbal cues. Children with autism may struggle to engage in reciprocal conversations, maintain eye contact, or interpret facial expressions—all essential skills for building meaningful relationships.

    Furthermore, prolonged exposure to screens may disrupt the development of neural circuits responsible for processing social and emotional information, further complicating the social deficits associated with autism. Studies have shown that excessive screen time in early childhood is linked to delays in language acquisition, attentional difficulties, and reduced empathy—a trifecta of challenges for children already grappling with the symptoms of autism.

    But the impact of excessive screen time extends beyond social interaction and communication. Research suggests that prolonged screen exposure can alter brain structure and function, particularly in regions involved in attention, memory, and executive functioning.

    References: Cristiana BĂLAN, Virtual Autism and Its Effects On the Child’s Evolution https://www.afahc.ro/ro/afases/2018/43-CristinaBalan.pdfHermawati, D., Rahmadi, F. A., Sumekar, T. A., & Winarni, T. I. (2018). Early electronic screen exposure and autistic-like symptoms. Intractable & rare diseases research, 7(1), 69–71. https://doi.org/10.5582/irdr.2018.010071.Bedrosian, T. A., & Nelson, R. J. (2017). Timing of light exposure affects mood and brain circuits. Translational psychiatry, 7(1), e1017.

    Autism Parenting Magazine is a very good source for reading further. A lot of this podcast has been taken from that website.

    https://doi.org/10.1038/tp.2016.2622.Chonchaiya, W., & Pruksananonda, C. (2008). Television viewing associates with delayed language development. Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992), 97(7), 977–982. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1651-2227.2008.00831.xMiller, V., & Gomez-Nicola, D. (2014). How can we exploit the brain’s ability to repair itself?. Expert review of neurotherapeutics, 14(12), 1345–1348. https://doi.org/10.1586/14737175.2014.9

    • 10 min
    Junk Food | How To Foster Healthy Eating Habits | Cultural Influences - Talk with Dr Vibin KV

    Junk Food | How To Foster Healthy Eating Habits | Cultural Influences - Talk with Dr Vibin KV

    Today, we're tackling a topic close to every parent's heart: junk food and the journey towards fostering healthy eating habits in our children.

    Picture this: a colorful array of snacks lining the shelves of the supermarket aisle, each one vying for your child's attention with promises of irresistible taste and instant satisfaction. As parents, we're all too familiar with the allure of junk food and the challenges it presents in promoting a balanced diet. But fear not, because in this episode, we'll delve deep into strategies for navigating the world of nutrition and empowering our children to make healthier choices.

    Let's start by peeling back the layers of the junk food phenomenon. From sugary treats to salty snacks, these highly processed foods often hold a special place in our children's hearts, thanks to clever marketing and addictive flavors. However, beneath their enticing facade lies a nutritional minefield that can wreak havoc on our children's health. With rising rates of obesity, diabetes, and other diet-related diseases, it's more important than ever to equip our children with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed choices about their diet.

    So, where do we begin? The journey towards healthy eating starts at home, with a foundation built on education and empowerment. By involving our children in the shopping, cooking, and meal planning process, we not only teach them valuable life skills but also foster a sense of ownership and autonomy over their food choices. Whether it's exploring the local farmer's market or trying out new recipes together in the kitchen, these shared experiences lay the groundwork for a lifetime of healthy eating habits.

    But let's not forget the importance of leading by example. As parents, we serve as powerful role models for our children, shaping their attitudes and behaviors towards food from an early age. By prioritizing whole, nutrient-rich foods in our own diets and modeling mindful eating habits, we set a positive example that speaks volumes louder than words. After all, actions speak louder than words, and our children are always watching and learning from us.

    Of course, navigating the world of nutrition can feel like a daunting task, especially with so much conflicting information out there. That's why it's essential to arm ourselves with knowledge and critical thinking skills. From deciphering food labels to discerning between marketing hype and nutritional value, being savvy consumers empowers us to make informed choices for our families' health and well-being.

    So, whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out on your journey towards healthier eating habits, remember that every small step counts. By fostering a positive food environment at home, empowering our children to make healthier choices, and leading by example, we can set them on the path towards a lifetime of health and happiness. Thanks for tuning in to "Nourishing Young Minds." Until next time, stay healthy, stay happy, and keep nourishing those young minds.

    • 25 min
    How To Teach Empathy To Kids.

    How To Teach Empathy To Kids.

    Empathy is a very important skill when it comes to life. And its almost a must that every parent should teach this to their children.

    Lets talk about this :

    heres the transcript :

    Host: Welcome back, wonderful listeners, to another episode of "The Podcast By Dr Dad"! I'm your host, Dr. Gaurav Nigam, the funniest pediatrician this side of the stethoscope. Today, we're diving into the deep end of the kiddie pool to discuss something super important: empathy! *Cue imaginary applause*[Cheerful Intro Music Fades Out]Host: Now, empathy isn't just for the Hallmark card aisle or those tear-jerker movies. It's a crucial skill that can make the world a better place, starting right from childhood. So, buckle up and get ready to laugh and learn because we're about to embark on a journey through the land of feelings and understanding.[Transition Music]Host: But first, let's get nerdy for a moment. Empathy isn't just some touchy-feely concept; it's backed by science! Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany, have been poking around the brain to see what makes us tick. And guess what? Turns out, empathy isn't just in our hearts; it's in our heads too![Cheeky Drum Roll]Host: They've discovered that when we feel empathy, our brains light up like a Christmas tree, especially in areas responsible for understanding other people's emotions. So, basically, empathy is like brain fireworks! Who knew understanding feelings could be so flashy?[Transition Music]Host: Now, you might be wondering, "But Dr. Gaurav Nigam, how do we turn our little ankle biters into empathy superheroes?" Well, fear not, dear listeners, because I've got some top-secret, highly classified tips just for you![Spy Music Plays]Host: Tip number one: Lead by example! Kids are like tiny sponges, soaking up everything around them, including your actions. So, if you want your kiddos to be empathy champs, show them what it looks like! Whether it's comforting a friend or helping a neighbor, let them see your empathy superpowers in action.[Transition Music]Host: Tip number two: Encourage perspective-taking! Now, I'm not talking about putting on a pair of tiny glasses and pretending to be someone else. Although, that would be adorable. I'm talking about helping kids see things from different points of view. Like, "How would you feel if someone did that to you?" It's like giving their empathy muscles a little workout![Transition Music]Host: And last but not least, tip number three: Practice gratitude! Research from the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley, shows that gratitude and empathy go together like peanut butter and jelly. By helping kids appreciate the little things in life, they're more likely to empathize with others' experiences. So, bust out those thank you notes and get grateful![Transition Music]

    • 4 min
    What Sugar Is Doing To Your Kids

    What Sugar Is Doing To Your Kids

    Sugar is really bad if its not being taken in moderation. Heres the Transcript of the Episode :

    Podcast Script: "Sweet Beginnings: The Bitter Truth About Sugar and Our Kids"

    [Soft, uplifting intro music fades]

    Narrator (ChatGPT): Hello, dear listeners, and welcome to another episode of "Healthy Tots," where we delve deep into the well-being and health of our youngest. I'm your host, Dr. ChatGPT, and today, we're tackling a topic that might just surprise you: sugar and its impact on our children.

    [Pause for emphasis]

    Narrator: Now, when we think of sugar, we often associate it with treats, celebrations, and happy moments. But what if I told you that this sweet substance could be causing more harm than good?

    Narrator: Let's begin by understanding what sugar is. At its core, sugar is a simple carbohydrate. It's naturally found in fruits, vegetables, and dairy. However, the sugar we often discuss—added sugar—is the kind we find in sodas, candies, and processed foods.

    [Soft rustling sound, like a page turning]

    Narrator: Recent research has shed light on the alarming effects of excessive sugar consumption among toddlers and children. Studies from renowned institutions have linked high sugar intake to:

    Increased Risk of Obesity: Excess sugar is a significant contributor to weight gain. Children who consume sugary drinks are at a higher risk of becoming overweight or obese.

    Dental Problems: Sugary foods and drinks are notorious for causing cavities, leading to tooth decay and other oral health issues.

    Metabolic Concerns: Excessive sugar can lead to insulin resistance, setting the stage for type 2 diabetes in later life.

    Behavioral Changes: Some studies suggest a link between high sugar intake and hyperactivity or mood swings in children.

    Narrator: So, what can we, as parents, do?

    Narrator: First and foremost, awareness is key. By understanding the potential risks, we can make informed choices for our children.

    Read Labels: Familiarize yourself with food labels. Look out for hidden sugars under names like sucrose, fructose, corn syrup, and more.

    Limit Sugary Drinks: Opt for water, milk, or unsweetened beverages instead of sodas or fruit juices.

    Choose Whole Foods: Emphasize whole fruits over fruit juices and whole grains over sugary cereals or snacks.

    Lead by Example: Children learn by observing. Be a role model by practicing moderation in your own sugar consumption.

    Narrator: Around the world, pediatricians and health experts are advocating for policies that promote healthier diets for children. Schools are revising their meal plans, and communities are launching initiatives to reduce sugar intake among the young.

    Narrator: Remember, it's not about completely eliminating sugar but rather about moderation and making conscious choices.

    [Pause for reflection]

    Narrator: Our children deserve the best start in life. By understanding and addressing the impact of sugar, we can pave the way for a healthier, happier future for them.

    Narrator: Thank you for joining me today on "Healthy Tots." Until next time, stay informed, stay proactive, and always prioritize your child's well-being.

    [Outro music fades]

    • 4 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
15 Ratings

15 Ratings

Barry N. Jones ,


I love this podcast so much! I often listen to you guys.

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