Early Childhood Development" with Khadija Khan, a captivating podcast series dedicated to unlocking the secrets of early childhood development. Join us on an insightful journey as we delve into the fascinating world of young minds, exploring the crucial stages of growth, learning, and discovery. Khadija Khan, an esteemed expert in the field, shares her wealth of knowledge, practical tips, and evidence-based strategies to empower parents, caregivers, and educators.
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More than 40% of children in Pakistan are stunted or malnourished, which is very alarming according to United Nations reports.
Why is Pakistan facing nutrition problems?
What are impacts of stunting on someone’s life?
Why is food important for healthy development?
Why informed parenting is...
Published 01/02/24
Our host Khadija Khan and Irum Mumtaz, a Remedial Therapist at the Institute of Dyslexia Education and Attitudinal Studies (IDEAS), engage in an important discussion about remedial therapy, specialised teaching methods for children with dyslexic problems. The impact of dyslexia on a child's...
Published 01/02/24