An absolute must for anyone learning Greek
το Easy Greek είναι το μόνο podcast ότι είναι για τους μαθηθής στο μεσαίο επίπεδο. Δεν έχω βρει άλλους. Ξεκίνησα όταν είχα ένα επίπεδο α2. Μόνο ακούχοντας τα podcasts φτάσα μέχρι ένα επίπεδο β. Προτείνω παρά πολύ αν εξιες το επίπεδο από α2 και πέρα. Έχουν transcripts για να βοηθήσουν την ακουστική κατάνοηση.
R. Manoj via Apple Podcasts · India · 11/13/23
More reviews of Easy Greek
I really love your podcast. I recommend it to everyone who wants to improve his greek. Interesting topics and funny conversations make me waiting impatient for next episode.
aniqa88 via Apple Podcasts · Poland · 07/05/22
Easy Greek has helped me learn a lot, it's absolutely fun and interesting to listen to, and the hosts, Marilena and Dimitri are amazing! I wait every week in aticipation and enjoy listening, learning and knowing about Greece and all kind of subjects.Read full review »
ilhabelagirl via Apple Podcasts · Brazil · 09/21/23
Even though I am only a real beginner and I don’t understand 90% of what is said, I love listening to these podcasts. Its a real privilege to be able to listen to authentic conversations to begin to understand the flow of the language, the expressions and intonations. I feel it really helps my...Read full review »
BusyBunny via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 01/13/23
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