October 11, 2005. Listen to Professor Elisabeth Boyi speak about African and Caribbean authors who write in French, with special focus on the Martinican poet Aimé Césaire.
Published 03/20/23
January 17, 2006. Listen to Cosmologist Andrei Linde speak about the theory of the inflationary universe.
Published 03/20/23
December 13, 2005. Listen to Stanford Professor Monika Greenleaf speak about Vladimir Nabokov's novel Lolita.
Published 03/20/23
September 14, 2005. This week we are talking about the modern French novel with Stanford Professor Laura Wittman. We will spend most of the time speaking about Michel Tournier's novel Friday
Published 03/20/23
September 17, 2005. Listen to Professor Girard speak about his theory of mimetic desire in relation to authors like Shakespeare and Cervantes.
Published 03/20/23
September 17, 2005. This week we talk about sports and athletic beauty with Professor Gumbrecht, whose new book "In praise of athletic beauty" just appeared in Germany.
Published 03/20/23
September 28, 2005. This week we talk about the French Enlightenment with Professor Dan Edelstein. The discussion includes the relationship between the Enlightenment and Totalitarianism.
Published 03/20/23
December 06, 2005. Listen to Stanford Professor Jean-Marie Apostolidès speak about the literary career of Albert Camus and his most famous novel, The Stranger.
Published 03/20/23
October 4, 2005. Listen to Professor Girard speak about his theory of ritual sacrifice and the scapegoat in relation to myth and religion from the Old Testament to Ancient Greek Tragedy to Nietzsche.
Published 03/20/23