When he realizes his teenage son Elijah's Texas public school underplays the history of slavery and the theory of evolution, writer Neal Pollack decides to take Elijah's education into his own hands, supplementing it with his own dubious life lessons. Along the way, Elijah gets off some sick dad burns. A wide-ranging and hilarious look at the state of American education, Extra Credit is a show for every parent who wished they spent more time with their kids, and for every kid who wished their parents would just back off and let them watch Netflix.
Elijah gets his first driving lesson from Neal, who is a professional automotive journalist. This comprehensive Driver's Ed curriculum includes talking to a vintage-car fanatic about classic Volkswagen Beetles, and learning about the car of the future from an electric-car advocate. If only they...
Published 11/07/17
When a controversy erupts at the Texas State Board of Education over a racist anti-Mexican textbook, Neal becomes determined to expose Elijah to as much Mexican culture as possible. They interview an undocumented valedictorian and a Mexican-American history professor. Houston-based comedy rapper...
Published 10/31/17