“I really want to like this podcast more than I do. A certain level of self-importance is to be expected from media review podcasts, but EHG’s hyper-critical-and-above-it-all vibe can still get irritating, as do the odd grudges some of the hosts have against random performers (usually women). I vacillate between cautiously downloading and listening to an episode (because occasionally this podcast is genuinely funny) and getting overwhelmed with frustration and deleting it from my feed. The hyper-critical and over-it tone is grating, but it’s Tara’s garbage political takes are what usually send me over the edge. Blaming the Obamas for not doing enough to stop Trump? Really? I hate to break it to her, but that line in The Good Fight asking where the Obamas were in the Trump era was intended to make fun of the people who hold the Obamas to an impossible (and racist) standard. But it clearly went over her head. Sometimes she’s like a right-wing caricature of a leftist who has plenty of criticism to dish out but doesn’t actually have any idea what she’s taking about. The games are also a self-indulgent waste of time that’ve been consistently skippable since Rob Hartman stopped designing them.
I’m giving it two stars instead of one because at least it introduced me to I Hate It But I Love It and This Had Oscar Buzz.”
Audreyista via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·