Religion is experiencing an alarming decline worldwide. Our hosts discuss the causes for this rise in secular thinking, and why it will lead to a decline in objective moral norms.
Published 04/17/24
The latest news, viewer questions, our book of the month, plus hosts Father Spitzer and Doug Keck discuss eight common laws that pervade most religions and many moral philosophies.
Published 04/10/24
Why is the secular culture more permissive of sins like adultery and abortion, but less tolerant of cheating, lying and stealing? Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck offer some theories.
Published 04/03/24
Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck discuss how the Enlightenment ideal led to a progressively more radical view of freedom, an end in itself and the meaning of life in contemporary culture.
Published 03/27/24
Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck explain how the loss of objective moral norms within our culture and in some respects in our churches, has led to the decline of love, civility and faith.
Published 03/20/24
Our hosts discuss how human flourishing is impossible without a culture of life. It keeps the powerful, wealthy and influential from controlling the lives of those at the margins.
Published 03/13/24
Viewers pose questions of faith for Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck, asking why can’t we pray for ourselves in Purgatory and how do we discern if our thoughts are our own or from God?
Published 03/06/24
A discussion on how contrary to popular myth, religion is not an impediment to strong principles and ideals, but rather is one of the greatest motivators of them.
Published 02/28/24
Fr. Spitzer and Doug discuss how all human life is endowed with intrinsic dignity. This prohibits antilife measures such as abortion, birth control or gender affirming therapy.
Published 02/21/24
Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck explode the myth that religion is an impediment to strong principles and ideals, explaining how it instead is one of the greatest motivators of them.
Published 02/14/24
Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck answer viewer questions about faith. They discuss topics such as why did God allow Adam to name Eve, and did St Paul really struggle with habitual sin.
Published 02/07/24
Our hosts discuss the best way to deal with the problem of pornography is to resist it at the outset, turning to the Lord and availing ourselves of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Published 01/31/24
Satan works by leading us to an opportunity for sin, enflaming our imagination, providing rationalizations, and gambling that we will freely choose to follow him into temptation.
Published 01/24/24
Our hosts discuss the spiritual effects of pornography, explaining how we tend to rationalize pornography as victimless and “minor among sins” because so many people are doing it.
Published 01/17/24
Our hosts discuss the phenomenon of “social norming.” Expectations of appropriate behavior that society expects have increased dramatically with the internet and social media.
Published 01/10/24
Viewers send in questions of faith for Fr. Spitzer, while Doug initiates a lively discussion on the fallacies of transgenderism and why Catholics do not believe in predestination.
Published 01/03/24
Fr. Spitzer and Doug answer questions about faith sent in by our viewers, discuss the distraction of bad music at the Mass and explain whether we will see our loved ones in Heaven.
Published 12/27/23
Our hosts discuss how secular culture separates sexuality from its intended purpose. The further we move from Church teaching, the closer we come to our culture’s self-destruction.
Published 12/20/23
Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck discuss how the Church’s view on sexuality differs from that of the popular culture, and why younger people today do not even consider the Church’s view.
Published 12/13/23
Our hosts discuss how social norming has increased promiscuity in a culture that has separated sexuality from filial love, as they continue covering topics from Father’s new book.
Published 12/06/23
Viewer questions are front and center as Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck address matters of faith chosen by the audience, including the ordination of women and the Wedding Feast at Cana.
Published 11/29/23
Our hosts discuss why evil exists, and the essence of Augustine of Hippo’s statement that an unjust law is no law at all. What’s more important is who determines if a law is just.
Published 11/22/23
A look at how Pope Leo XIII’s social encyclical, Rerum Novarum, issued in 1891, set out guidelines for political and economic justice and rights within complex economic systems.
Published 11/15/23
Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck discuss topics from Father’s new book, including the impact on society of Jesus’ teaching that the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath.
Published 11/08/23
Fr. Spitzer and Doug Keck answer questions about the faith sent in by our viewers. They also cover topics in the news, discuss the dangers of Ouija boards, and address how people can progress in their moral life.
Published 11/01/23