Perhaps I should have accepted an award for the worst haircut-cast ever. At any rate, we’ve got two topics for you this time around. A bit about the award discussion from the previous blog post but even more from the center of cheap haircuts in Japan, QB House.
Show Notes:
* Leopard upgrade completed
* Throat hurts – getting a cold?
* Great discussion on the site, thanks!
* Award Discussion
* Make sure you check out
* Brief listing of some of the podcasts there
* We need to resurrect the Kobe Beef show
* Haircut at QB House
* QB House Website
* Haircut costs only 1000円, how can you lose!
* Prior art: Rich Pav’s Hair Cut Cast from May 2005
* Notes about audio
* Television sounding thing – radio
* Fascination with vacuuming my head
* A little weather and language discussion
* The entire audio clip available here: QB House Full