“The people interviewed are amazing. They share and educate in very informative ways. Everyone is so open about their sexuality and self discovery.
However, I don’t understand how you can acknowledge trans and non-binary people but then you generalize how female and males behaviors are without even citing a study. She spends 15 minutes ranting about how a woman is a victim of all these factors … and then do a two second disclaimer saying “oh well, it can happen to boys too, but it’s a girl problem”.
Too many rants about how to find yourself as a woman to be a victim and not enough about accountability.
Also, she injects her political beliefs too often. How can you claim to have a judgement free zone as a sex and relationship counselor when you make a point to bring up your distaste for Trump, and then an overall lack of understanding with religion as it pertains to sexual identities and the way it shapes sexuality. She asks about this in an interview and then openly expresses judgement. I guess the judgement free zone only applies to certain people.
Quite enjoyable if you don’t mind skipping through her rants and listening to the guest.”
plzNot Again via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·