Read Malachi 3: 6-10. 1. Today’s passage begins with God describing the Israelites as “descendants of Jacob.” What is significant about this reference to Jacob? (Hint: remember last week’s message and Genesis 28: 22) 2. Pastor Mick said the Israelites seemed to have some form of spiritual amnesia. What did he mean by that? How do we sometimes struggle with this same malady today? 3. Pastor Mick shared a Tony Campolo story regarding “lowering the blinds.” Why were the blinds lowered? How...
Published 11/17/24
Published 11/17/24
Read Genesis 28: 10-22. 1. What does the word stewardship mean? How does it apply to our faith lives? 2. What does the word tithe mean? Why does God command us to tithe? 3. Why does Jacob vow to give God a tenth at the end of today’s passage? What can we learn from Jacob in this regard? 4. In what ways is tithing more of a spiritual decision than a financial decision? 5. What did Jacob realize when he awoke from his dream? 6. How is God present with us today? 7. How might the “step up...
Published 11/10/24
Read Hebrews 12: 1-3. 1. In verse 1, what is the word “therefore,” there for? 2. Why is Hebrews chapter 11 sometimes referred to as the Roll Call of Faith? Look through that chapter and see how many names you can find. 3. What is meant by the “great cloud of witnesses”? Who is in your “cloud” that helps cheer you on in your faith? 4. What kinds of things can hinder your faith? How can you prevent them from hindering you? 5. What kinds of sin can easily entangle you? What can you do...
Published 11/03/24
1. What does the word “faithful” mean to you? What does it mean for God to be faithful? 2. What does it mean for God to be faithful in his promises? Can you think of examples in the Bible of God being faithful to his promises? How about in your own life? 3. What does it mean for God to be faithful in provision? Read Matthew 6: 25-34. What does this tell us about God’s provisions for life? 4. God is faithful in presence. How was God present in the lives of those in the Bible? How is God...
Published 10/27/24
1. What does it mean to you that God is just? How does God’s justice shape your view of His character? 2. How do we reconcile the idea of a loving God with the reality of His justice? In what ways do God's love and justice work together rather than contradict each other? 3. God’s justice is perfect, unlike human justice. How does this challenge the way you think about fairness and judgment in the world today? 4. How should knowing that God is just influence the way we respond to injustice...
Published 10/20/24
1. What does it mean that God’s heart is loving? How has your understanding of God's love grown or changed over time? 2. How do we reconcile God's love with the suffering we see in the world? How can we trust in God’s love even in difficult circumstances? 3. We believe that God’s love is not earned but is a free gift (Romans 6: 23). How does this concept challenge the way you think about your relationship with God? 4. In what ways have you experienced God's love personally? Can you share...
Published 10/13/24
Read Hebrews 4: 14-16. 1. What does the word “grace” mean to you? 2. How is grace different than “mercy” that we discussed last week? How are they similar? 3. Pastor Mick said one of his seminary leaders used to say, “The answer is always grace.” What do you think of that sentiment? Do you agree? Why/why not? 4. What do you think about the Wesleyan understanding of grace as Prevenient Grace, Justifying Grace, and Sanctifying Grace? What do each of these forms of grace represent? How have...
Published 10/06/24
Read Exodus 34: 5-9. 1. What does the word “mercy” mean to you? 2. Can you think of some ways others have shown mercy to you in the past? How have you shown mercy to others? How has God shown mercy to you? 3. Read John 8: 1-11 about the woman caught in adultery. How is this an example of mercy? 4. Pastor Mick talked about how we often want mercy for ourselves, but justice for others. What did he mean by that? Have you ever felt that way? 5. Read Micah 6: 8. What does the Lord require?...
Published 09/29/24
Read Exodus 19: 16-20. 1. The word “holy” most literally means “set apart” or “separate.” In what ways is God holy? In what ways are you called to be holy? 2. What is significant about the opening phrase of this passage, “On the morning of the third day”? What is significant about the number 3? Where else do we see “3” show up in key Biblical passages? 3. In what ways does today’s passage describe God’s “Holy Revelation”? 4. What does the word “theophany” mean? How does this...
Published 09/22/24
Read Exodus 20: 17. 1. What does it mean to be truly content, and how does that look in daily life? 2. How does coveting affect our relationship with God and others? What are some examples of how covetousness can damage community and trust? 3. What role does gratitude play in overcoming a covetous heart? 4. How does our culture encourage covetousness, and how can we resist this influence? What practical steps can we take to live counter-culturally in this regard? 5. What are some...
Published 09/15/24
Read Exodus 20: 1-17 (today’s focus is v. 16). 1. What do you think of when you hear the word “lie”? What does “lying” mean to you? 2. Why is it is so important to always tell the truth? What can happen if we don’t tell the truth? 3. Commandment #9 refers to “false testimony” or “false witness,” depending on the translation. What do these terms mean? Do they expand your understanding of why lying is so dangerous? If so, how? 4. Read Proverbs 12: 22. What does this verse teach us about...
Published 09/08/24
Read Exodus 20: 1-17 (today’s focus is v. 15). 1. What do you think of when you hear the word “steal?” What does “stealing” mean to you? 2. What are some obvious ways people steal? What are some less obvious ways people steal? Have you ever done any of these? 3. Pastor Mick talked about integrity. What does integrity mean? How is integrity related to Commandment #8 (and all the other commandments as well)? 4. Read Malachi 3: 6-10. How does this passage relate to Commandment #8? 5. What...
Published 09/01/24
Read Exodus 20: 1-17 (today’s focus is v. 14). 1. What does the word “adultery” mean to you? How about the words “fidelity” and “infidelity”? 2. The RightNow Media study this week describes physical intimacy as both a wonderful and dangerous gift. What do you think they mean by that? In what ways is it wonderful? In what ways can it be dangerous? 3. How does physical intimacy connect two people? (hint: see Genesis 2: 24 and Matthew 19: 4-6) Does it connect us more than just physically? If...
Published 08/25/24
Read Exodus 20: 1-17 (today’s focus is v. 13). 1. The 6th Commandment says, “Thou shall not murder.” The KJV uses the word “kill” rather than “murder.” How are these two words different? Which do you think best speaks to the intention of this Commandment? 2. The United Methodist Book of Discipline states, “We affirm that all persons are individuals of sacred worth, created in the image of God.” What does this statement mean to you? How does/should the church demonstrate this affirmation in...
Published 08/18/24
Read Exodus 20: 12. 1. What does the word “honor” mean to you in the context of the 5th Commandment? How might it look different for children versus adults? 2. Why do you think God included the commandment to honor parents in the Ten Commandments? How does this commandment contribute to a healthy society? 3. In what ways can honoring our parents reflect our relationship with God? How does it serve as a witness to others? 4. How does the promise of “a long life” connected to this...
Published 08/11/24
Read Exodus 20: 1-17. (today’s focus is v. 8-11) 1. What does the word “Sabbath” mean to you? 2. What does it mean to “remember the Sabbath”? 3. What does it mean to “keep the Sabbath holy”? (hint: holy means “set apart”) 4. What do you think are the primary purposes (and benefits) of Sabbath-keeping? 5. How does Sabbath-keeping create a healthy rhythm of life? How can life get out of rhythm when we don’t keep the Sabbath? 6. Pastor Mick described Sabbath as a gift more than a...
Published 08/04/24
Read James 3: 9-12 and Exodus 20: 7. 1. What does it mean to you to honor God's name in your daily life? Can you share specific examples? 2. In what ways do you see people taking God's name in vain in today's society, and how can we, as Christians, respond to this? 3. How can we ensure that our actions reflect the reverence we hold for God's name? 4. Why is it important to be mindful of our speech, especially when it comes to using God's name? How can we improve in this area? 5. How can...
Published 07/28/24
Read Exodus 20: 1-17. (today’s focus is v. 4-6) 1. What does the word idolatry mean to you? How would you describe an idol? 2. What kind of idolatry were the ancient Israelites guilty of practicing? What kind of idolatry is prevalent in today’s society? Why is modern idolatry sometimes harder to recognize? 3. Why is God so concerned about idols? How does this Commandment compare with the first Commandment we discussed last week? 4. Why do you think people tend to drift into idolatry? Can...
Published 07/21/24
Read Exodus 20: 1-17 (today’s focus is v. 1-3). 1. How do we know that the 10 Commandments are given directly by God? (hint: see Exodus 20: 1 and 31: 18) 2. What does it mean to you that the 10 Commandments were etched in stone by the finger of God? How do you treat these Commandments in your everyday living? 3. Why do you think these Commandments are on two tablets instead of all being on one tablet? Is it just a matter of space, or is there more to it than that? 4. Read Matthew 22:...
Published 07/14/24
Read Matthew 7: 24-27. 1. What do you think of when you hear the word “equip”? 2. In what way is Jesus equipping his followers in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7)? 3. Why do you think Jesus ends the Sermon on the Mount with the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders? Why are parables effective for equipping? 4. What might using parables (stories) to equip look like in your everyday life with others, especially with your kids or grandkids? Why is this method often more effective...
Published 07/07/24
Scripture for Study and Reflection: A team from GLUMC is participating in a reentry grant program through the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections; training, mentoring and grant reporting has been facilitated by All In Community. 1. What is a reentry coalition? It is a group committed to helping people reintegrate into society after incarceration. What is recidivism? It is the rate at which people return to an incarcerated state following release. Reentry Coalitions reduce...
Published 04/28/24
Scripture for Study and Reflection: Read Romans 15: 1-6, 12-13. 1. What does “hope” mean to you? Why is hope important? What is life like without hope? 2. What is your hope for Grand Lake UMC as we go forward? 3. Read Isaiah 43: 19. How does that verse make you feel? Can you see it relating to Grand Lake UMC? 4. Read Romans 8: 28. Does that verse give you hope? If so, in what ways? 5. Pastor Mick talks about hope in togetherness. What does he mean by this? Why is togetherness important?...
Published 04/21/24
Read Philippians 2: 3-8. 1. What does humility mean to you? Why is humility important, especially in the church? 2. What does it mean to truly forgive? Why is forgiveness important, especially in the church? 3. Do you ever find it hard to ask for forgiveness and/or forgive others? If so, why do you think that is? 4. Pastor Mick said that forgiveness is transformative. What do you think he meant by that? Have you ever experienced forgiveness (whether giving or receiving) to be...
Published 04/14/24
Scripture for Study and Reflection: A lot of attention is given to Easter's Sunrise, celebrating the Risen Lord; however if we read a little further, we see a powerful interaction later that Easter at sunset. 1. Read John 20: 19-21. What were Jesus' first words to his disciples? 2. How did the disciples react? What were the disciples to do? 3. Read John 20: 22-23. What did Jesus do? What did the disciples need to do? 4. What did Jesus say about forgiveness? 5. Read John 20: 24-25. What...
Published 03/31/24