"Growing Together" is now "Build to Last"
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Build to Last with Kaelin Edwards is a podcast dedicated to exploring ways to build faith, relationships, and money that last. The podcast was conceived from a curious mind, yet birthed by growth-focused action taking. For over ten years, Kaelin has championed growth in faith, relationships, and money to millions of followers. Every episode he still shares what he is learning in these areas. The Build to Last podcast is an extension of that authentic documentation of growth, and a step out to educate on what he has discovered leads to lasting growth in life, faith, relationships, and money. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.kaelinedwards.com
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Will I get in trouble for asking this question? I promise, I have no intentions of being unnecessarily controversial— especially during the most heated months of an election year. I’m asking this question in a more rhetorical way. My digital garden (explained in the podcast) led me here. I...
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Published 09/02/24
Howdy! We’ve had a crazy week guys. All of my expectations for what this project could be and how many people it can impact are blown away. This idea has been burdening me for over six years. I genuinely thought about two hundred people at most would see the vision, so when I reluctantly posted...
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