“I started listening to the podcast during the pandemic as a way to virtually “visit” the Islands when travel wasn’t an option.
I grew up with a grandma born and raised on the Islands and have family who currently live on the Big Island. There’s a special place in my heart for Hawai’i, especially the aina, grindz & the aloha spirit. It’s been a joy listening to the Hawaii’s Best podcast - and experiencing memories/nostalgia from my childhood.
It’s a great podcast to learn more about Hawai’i in preparation for trips there and also in learning how to respect the people, the land, and the culture of Hawai’i. When visiting Hawai’i, it’s important to share kokua and respect all ecosystems from the oceans to the celebration and preservation of culture to honoring the people of the land. I’m such a fan of this podcast! Mahalo nui!”
JuliaJeanius via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·