Which word is the best fit for a particular meaning and context? How do I express everyday ideas in colloquial language, avoiding the bookish style found in dictionaries? What’s the actual difference in meaning between the ‘synonyms’ that dictionaries offer? How do I build up phrases and sentences around a particular word?
The Hindi Thesaurus addresses such questions in a series of lively, unscripted Hindi-medium conversations about groups of words of related meaning. Concentrating on selected mainstream words and phrases, we help you to broaden your active vocabulary by encountering...
Hosts: Rupert Snell & Neha Ladha.
साढ़े, डेढ़, ढाई, सवा, आधा, पौना, प्रतिशत, फ़ीसदी, दशम-लव, गिनना, हिसाब, रक़म, राशि
Web-based and PDF glossaries available at http://thesaurus.hindiurduflagship.org
Published 01/04/10
Hosts: Rupert Snell & Neha Ladha.
लाख, करोड़, अरब, पहला, दूसरा, प्रथम, द्वितीय, जोड़, मिलाना, घटाना, अंतर, फ़र्क़, गुणा, गुना, भाग
Web-based and PDF glossaries available at http://thesaurus.hindiurduflagship.org
Published 12/17/09
Hosts: Rupert Snell & Neha Ladha.
गणित, अंक , आँकड़ा, संख्या, तादाद
Web-based and PDF glossaries available at http://thesaurus.hindiurduflagship.org
Published 12/07/09