Hooked is a pretty fun exercise in creative flexing, and it's interesting to hear how differently each guest approaches a pretty similar prompt. It's definitely very focused towards fantasy adventures from what I've heard, but it would be very useful for D&D and similar campaigns.Read full review »
N_Duffy via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 02/09/21
Apt because I am, indeed, hooked!
2wenty4frames via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 06/04/19
This show is great for what it promises: interesting plot hooks that evolve before your ears and fun rapport. But what I love about this show is that in its plot hooks between the speakers the three or so individual stories unfold, and then a shared story between them builds too.
Ol Matty via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 05/27/19
More plot hooks all the time please!
Zane C Weber via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 04/15/19
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