廖老師解釋中文一的每日評分法及在課堂學習中如何給予學生反饋。/ 廖老师解释中文一的每日评分法及在课堂学习中如何给予学生反馈。
Published 06/09/16
廖老師分享如何創造全中文的教學環境,使學生能更有效地學習中文。/ 廖老師分享如何創造全中文的教學環境,使學生能更有效地學習中文。
Published 06/09/16
In this video, Haohsiang Liao shares strategies for creating an immersive language-learning classroom environment.
Published 06/09/16
In this video, Haohsiang Liao shares a strategy for motivating students to put significant effort into their study of Chinese.
Published 06/09/16
廖老師說明在背課文時如何多聽中文錄音來強化中文的學習。/ 廖老师说明在背课文时如何多听中文录音来强化中文的学习。
Published 06/09/16
在此一專訪中,廖老師分享如何利用個別指導的方法,幫助學生克服中文學習時遇見的困難或瓶頸。/ 在此一专访中,廖老师分享如何利用个别指导的方法,帮助学生克服中文学习时遇见的困难或瓶颈。
Published 06/09/16
廖老師說明在教導中文時,如何將聽說讀寫等四項技能分開,已達成更有效的中文學習。/ 廖老师说明在教导中文时,如何将听说读写等四项技能分[开⭒],已达成更有效的中文学习。
Published 06/09/16
Published 06/09/16
In this video, Haohsiang Liao shares that he encourages students to listen to audiofiles or dvds during their preparation for class. He believes learning to trust their ears and focusing on sounds will help them succeed in their Chinese studies.
Published 06/09/16
In this video, Haohsiang Liao describes his role at MIT and how became interested in teaching Chinese.
Published 06/09/16
語言的學習,在於使用語言在一個文化裡順利地與人溝通,經由語言學習對文化體現,對日常生活進對應退有更多的瞭解。/ 语言的学习,在于使用语言在一个文化里顺利地与人沟通,经由语言学习对文化体现,对日常生活进对应退有更多的瞭解。
Published 06/09/16
In this video, Haohsiang Liao shares how and why the Chinese I (Regular) curriculum introduces students to speaking and listening before reading and writing.
Published 06/09/16
In this video, Haohsiang Liao shares how he asks stuggling students to demonstrate for him during office house how they prepare for class. This allows him to provide feedback and tips for better preparation.
Published 06/09/16
In this video, Haohsiang Liao discusses his rationale for assessing students' performance on a daily basis. He also shares a digital tool for providing students with written feedback.
Published 06/09/16
In this video, Haohsiang Liao discusses how he emphasizes the development of students' cultural competence in his pedagogy.
Published 06/09/16