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IBM thinkLeaders
IBM thinkLeaders
thinkLeaders tells the stories behind AI and business transformation through engaging interviews with top entrepreneurs, technologists, and researchers at the forefront of disruption. Join host Amanda Thurston as she and her guests offer insights and advice on strategic, data-driven leadership, and innovation. It is a deep dive into emerging technologies that unpacks and explains the issues, having some fun along the way. Brought to you by IBM. This channel is managed by Serena Peters and Amanda Thurston, and follows IBM Social Computing Guidelines...
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4.7 stars from 15 ratings
Recent Episodes
In this episode of IBM thinkLeaders podcast, we are joined by guest Kate O'Neill (author of Tech Humanist: How You Can Make Technology Better for Business and Better for Humans) to discuss how we can leverage AI for good, the need for a transdisciplinary approach to AI, and what it means to be an...
Published 04/30/20
Published 04/30/20
How can we tap into the value of human communication? What are the insights we can glean using natural language processing (NLP)? How can NLP capture sentiment and tone? In this episode of IBM thinkLeaders podcast, we are joined by guest Phil Anderson (Senior Offering Manager for the Watson...
Published 04/23/20
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