Discussion Presentation of Intensity at IKI Mn’M Symposium 2011 Measuring the Non-Measurable, held 1-5 Nov.
Published 10/09/12
Closing Discussion of IKI Mn’M Symposium 2011 Measuring the Non-Measurable, held 1-5 Nov.
Published 10/09/12
Discussion Presentation of Density at IKI Mn’M Symposium 2011 Measuring the Non-Measurable, held 1-5 Nov.
Published 10/09/12
Closing Discussion of IKI Mn’M Symposium 2011 Measuring the Non-Measurable, held 1-5 Nov.
Published 10/09/12
Closing Discussion of IKI Mn’M Symposium 2011 Measuring the Non-Measurable, held 1-5 Nov.
Published 10/09/12
Discussion Presentation of Public/Private at IKI Mn’M Symposium 2011 Measuring the Non-Measurable, held 1-5 Nov.
Published 10/09/12
Closing Discussion of IKI Mn’M Symposium 2011 Measuring the Non-Measurable, held 1-5 Nov.
Published 10/09/12
Discussion of Intensity, Density, Public/Private at IKI Mn’M Symposium 2011 Measuring the Non-Measurable, held 1-5 Nov.
Published 10/06/12
Discussion after Tokyo presentations at IKI Mn’M Symposium 2011 Measuring the Non-Measurable, held 1-5 Nov.
Published 10/06/12
Discussion of Intensity, Density, Public/Private at IKI Mn’M Symposium 2011 Measuring the Non-Measurable, held 1-5 Nov.
Published 10/06/12
Professor Yasushi Ikeda is a Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at Keio University Japan, . Professor Ikeda graduated from the Department of Architecture of the University of Tokyo’s Faculty of Engineering in 1985. He went on to complete the master’s program in the Graduate School of Engineering and earn his Ph.D. in engineering. He joined Maki and Associates in 1987 and worked there until 1995, when he left to establish the Yasushi Ikeda Design Studio(renamed IKDS, in 2003). After...
Published 10/06/12
Beijing Matsubara and Architects (BMA) / Associate professor at Keio University SFC. In 1995 he graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. In 1996 he was visiting researcher at Moscow Architecture Institute, Russia. In 1997 he completed the Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo. In 1997-2001 he worked at Toyo Ito and Associates. In 2001-02 he worked at Shenyang Urban Design and Research Institute, Liaoning / Atelier FCJZ, Beijing, China. In 2002-05...
Published 10/06/12
Darko Radović heads the Measuring the non-Measurable project. He is a Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at Keio University, Tokyo, co-director of International Keio Institute for Architecture and Urbanism – IKI, and a Visiting Professor at the United Nations University, Tokyo. He is also a member of the Philips Center for Health and Well-being Livable Cities Think Tank. Darko has taught, researched and practised architecture and urbanism in Europe, Australia and Asia, and held...
Published 10/06/12
Discussion after Australia/ European cities presentations at IKI Mn’M Symposium 2011 Measuring the Non-Measurable, held 1-5 Nov.
Published 10/05/12
Kim Dovey is Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at the University of Melbourne. He has published widely on social issues in architecture, urban design and planning.  Books include 'Framing Places' (Routledge, 2008), 'Fluid City' (UNSW Press 2005) and ‘Becoming Places’ (Routledge 2010).  He currently leads a series of research projects on place identity, urban intensification, informal settlements and creative cities.
Published 10/05/12
Raffaele Paloscia, architect, works at the University of Florence. Professor of Planning at the Faculty of Architecture. Head of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (2003-09). Profesor Invitado at the Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Granada (2010). At the moment he is co-ordinator of: LabPSM (Laboratory City and Territory in the South of the World); International Activities of the Faculty of Architecture INURA/Florence (International Network for Urban Research and...
Published 10/05/12
Dr Sidh Sintusingha is Coordinator, Landscape Architecture Major, Bachelor of Environments at the University of Melbourne. Prior to completing this PhD degree at the University of Melbourne and joining academia, he practiced as an architect and landscape architect in Thailand and Australia. His research focuses on addressing socio-cultural, environmental and scalar problems relating to urban sprawl and the speculation of retrofits towards urban sustainability in Southeast Asian cities. His...
Published 10/05/12
Jorge Almazán graduated from the Madrid School of Architecture in 2003 (Polytechnics University of Madrid). In 2000-2001 he studied at the Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany). He completed his Doctoral Degree at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2007. Professional experience in Tokyo includes collaborations with SANAA (Sejima and Nishizawa Associates) and Atelier Bow-Wow. In 2008 he held the position of Invited Professor at the University of Seoul and since April 2009 he teaches and...
Published 10/05/12
David Sim, M. Arch, Architect SAR/MSA Director Gehl Architects M. Arch from Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland Lund University Sweden, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen David Sim practices as an architect and urbanist throughout the World. He has also taught at architecture and design schools the world over, while his work at Lund University expanding and developing teaching methods has led to a number of pedagogical awards and distinctions. While at Lund, he researched and developed...
Published 09/27/12
ORIOL CLOS (Barcelona, 1955) is an architect, urban planner and designer. He has served as Chief Architect of the City Council of Barcelona for six years (2006-2011). He has also served in the City Council of Barcelona as Director of Urbanism of the 22 company (2000-2003) and as Director of Plans and Projects (2004-2005). He studied at the School of Architecture of Barcelona (graduate in 1980). From 1990 to 2002, he was Associate Professor of Urban Project at the same School. During last...
Published 09/27/12
Aleksandar Ivancic, Mechanical Engineer, PhD in Thermal Science, is an Associated Professor at Barcelona Institute of Architecture. The main area of his professional interest is positioned within infrastructure planning, with a particular focus on energy systems. He has held several senior positions: Chief Technical Officer of Barcelona Strategic Urban Systems (2009-11), Head of Department in Barcelona Regional - Metropolitan Agency of Urban Development and Infrastructures (1999-2008),...
Published 09/27/12
Zoran Djukanović is Vice-Dean for International Relations and Assistant Professor of Urban Planning, Urban Design and Public Art at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Urbanism, Belgrade, Serbia; Initiator, founder and leader of the international, interdisciplinary research Program “Public Art and Public Space”; Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade, Department of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture. He is a member of several...
Published 09/27/12
Davisi Boontharm is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture, National University of Singapore. She has received her doctorate in Architecture and Urbanism from the University Paris 8 and Post-doctoral Fellowship at the University of Tokyo. Her research interests include culturally sustainable architecture and urbanism, consumption space and creative precincts in Asian Cities, and creative reuse of modern vernacular urban form. She published books in French, Thai and English:...
Published 09/25/12
Discussion after asian cities presentations at IKI Mn’M Symposium 2011 Measuring the Non-Measurable, held 1-5 Nov.
Published 09/25/12
Professor Hendrik Tieben is an architect, urban designer, and an Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He received his architectural education in Germany, Italy and Switzerland and holds a doctoral degree from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich). Before arriving in Hong Kong, Hendrik Tieben has taught at ETH Zurich, HTW Chur, and CIA (Chur). At CUHK, he teaches urban design and theory and coordinates the Master...
Published 09/25/12