EP 38: Interview with C.S. Lewis Institute President - Joel Woodruff
C.S. Lewis was a British writer, theologian, and academic, holding positions at both Oxford and Cambridge. His legacy continues to live on today in several well-known books such as Mere Christianity, The Chronicles of Narnia series and through the C.S. Lewis Institute.
In this podcast, we talk with the President of the C.S. Lewis Institute, Joel Woodruff. Joel discusses the influence that discipleship relationships and friendship had on Lewis, and how these relationships still apply to men today.
Joel has worked in higher education, nonprofit administration, and pastoral ministries in Alaska, Israel, Hungary, France, and Northern Virginia. He has had a distinguished and diverse career and an impressive academic background including a doctorate in Organizational Leadership and a Ph.D. in New Testament.
Resources: Book: Discipleship with C.S. Lewis: A Guide to Mere Christianity for Small Groups and Mentoring Relationships by Joel Woodruff Book: Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commission from qualifying purchases on Amazon.ca. Learn more.
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