This in-class question demonstrates the differences between Print and Return statements in function construction in Python.
Published 01/06/17
In this lecture, Dr. Bell discusses program structuring, functions, specifications, scoping, and the difference between the "return" and "print" keywords in Python.
Published 01/06/17
This in-class question demonstrates how loops can be used with strings in Python.
Published 01/06/17
This in-class question demonstrates the use of string indices in Python.
Published 01/06/17
In this lecture, Dr. Bell discusses string manipulation, guess-and-check algorithms, approximate solution methods, and bisection search.
Published 01/06/17
This in-class question demonstrates For Loops and Break statements in Python.
Published 01/06/17
This in-class question demonstrates While Loops in Python. *** Correction for Lecture_02_exercise_04: The right answer should be print "You got out of the Lost Forest!" ***
Published 01/06/17
This in-class question demonstrates how conditional branching works in Python.
Published 01/06/17
This in-class exercise demonstrates how conditionals and comparisons work in Python.
Published 01/06/17
This in-class exercise demonstrates working with strings in Python.
Published 01/06/17
In this lecture, Dr. Bell introduces strings and indentation in Python, then discusses basic features of programmatic logic, such as branching, conditionals, iteration, and loops.
Published 01/06/17
This in-class question explains variable bindings and the order of operations in python.
Published 01/06/17
This in-class question explains what mathematical statements are and are not valid in python.
Published 01/06/17
This in-class question explains the difference between the IDLE python environment and the shell.
Published 01/06/17
In this lecture, Dr. Bell introduces the theory of computation and explains some aspects of computational thinking. Programming languages are discussed, with an emphasis on basic Python syntax and data structures.
Published 01/06/17